Chapter Summary
Chapter 1: What Software Defined Radio Is and Why We Should Use ItThis chapter is an introduction to the concepts of software defined radio,
signal processing, and 3G. The differences between a hardware and a software
radio are explained and some history about digital signal processing and
the SDRF is provided.
Chapter 2: A Basic Software Defined Radio Architecture
Chapter 2 is an introduction to software defined radio architectures and the
presentation of a reference SDR block diagram. This chapter introduces the
issue of system-level partitioning and estimates the signal processing load
required for the digital frequency conversion function. Baseband signal processing
is introduced and the chapter concludes with an example COTS
hardware architecture.
Chapter 3: RF System Design
Cellular mobile performance standards place rigorous requirements on radio
receivers and transmitters. Multiple air interface systems face conflicting
requirements when attempting to cover both TDMA and CDMA air interfaces.
This chapter explores the basics of communications theory and provides
the equations for the IMT 2000 path loss models. The reader is
provided with a complete link budget, which can be used when designing
the analog RF components of a 3G software radio—for example, power
amplifiers, mixers, low noise amplifiers, and so on. A major section is
devoted to detailing 3G performance requirements for such parameters as
dynamic range, blocking, and intermodulation. Important software radio RF
components such as multicarrier power amplifiers are introduced and techniques
for linearization are detailed. The chapter concludes with a proposed
software radio design flow with special emphasis on the RF stages.
Chapter 4: Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Conversion
Arguably the most critical function in a wideband software radio, we investigate
the analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) and digital-to-analog conversion
(DAC) performance requirements needed for 3G cellular systems. The
Preface xvii
chapter discusses the fundamentals of transforming between the analog and
digital domains, including Nyquist’s theorem, bandpass sampling, aliasing,
and quantization. Performance parameters such as SFDR, dynamic range,
and jitter are introduced. The architecture of a state-of-the-art A/D converter
is provided, and techniques for achieving wideband SFDRs approaching
100 dB are detailed. A figure of merit (FOM) for software radio
applications is provided as an initial guide when selecting a converter from
the large range of commercially available options. The chapter concludes
with an analysis of the allowable noise contributions from ADCs and DACs
and discusses the tough GSM blocking specification.
Chapter 5: Digital Frequency Up- and Downconverters
For wireless systems operating above the 20–100-MHz range, digital frequency
up and downconverters are currently the most efficient bridge
between digital intermediate frequencies and baseband processors. This
chapter introduces the concepts of frequency conversion, decimation, interpolation,
multirate processing, NCOs, halfband filters, and CIC filters and
provides the equations for IIR and FIR filters. A detailed overview of several
commercially available digital frequency converters is provided along with a
description of the components’ functionality. Figures illustrating the 3G performance
for these converters are also included.
Chapter 6: Signal Processing Hardware Components
An important goal for 3G software radio is to perform all symbol and chiprate
processing in software. This chapter commences with an analysis of the
required signal processing power for UMTS and introduces the major
CDMA layer one processing functions—for example, path searching and
rake receivers. Architecture details of candidate hardware devices such as
DSPs, FPGAs, RCPs, and ACMs are provided, together with an estimate for
the number of users that devices can support. The chapter concludes with
symbol and chip-rate partitioning.
Chapter 7: Software Architecture and Components
Reconfiguring the radio with software is the most important requirement,
and this chapter starts by discussing the ideas of hardware abstraction and
then proceeds with details of the software architectural proposals produced
xviii Software Defined Radio for 3G
by the JTRS JPO and the SDRF. These specifications use object-oriented
design principles; the chapter includes many UML figures to explain the
Software communications protocols and operating systems such as
CORBA and RT LINUX are discussed, and the chapter concludes with an
overview of the languages used to program the hardware: C, C++, VHDL,
and Verilog.
Chapter 8: Applications for Wireless Systems
To design an efficient and cost-effective 3G software radio it is necessary to
have a depth of understanding that extends from the wireless network components
(e.g., MSC, BSC, BTS, and terminal) down to the radio’s air interface.
This chapter commences by explaining the fundamental concepts
behind CDMA transmission and reception and covers the rake receiver in
more detail, as well as introducing the concepts of handover and power control.
Special attention is given to the WCDMA/UMTS, CDMA2000, and
GSM air interfaces, with explanations of techniques used in each for multiple
access, modulation, and spreading. A major part of the chapter is devoted
to several example software radio implementations, with details of the software
and hardware architectures. The chapter concludes with details of an
example 3G network in Korea, including statistics about the number of base
stations, network coverage, and so on.
Chapter 9: Smart Antennas Using Software Radio
Software defined radio is an enabling technology, and smart antennas are one
of the ideal applications. Architectures for implementing smart antennas on
a software radio platform are introduced. There are many classes of candidate
algorithms (e.g., statistically optimum, blind adaptive, and so on) available
to perform the necessary processing, and the chapter summarizes these.
Smart antenna processing is a viable approach for increasing user capacity
but must be traded off for increased signal processing power; the chapter
analyzes the WCDMA/UMTS case and estimates the processing load. The
chapter concludes with a block diagram of a flexible hardware architecture
suitable for implementing smart antenna software.
Preface xix
Chapter 10: Low-Cost Experimental Software Radio Platform
This chapter puts the theory of previous chapters into practice and provides
the outline of a design for an experimental, low-cost software radio platform
that can be purchased off-the-shelf. The platform has the capability to teach
the fundamentals of software radio and is ideal for university labs and smallscale
development. Software can be developed in C and makes use of a DSP
operating system if required. The importance of memory management and
FIFO buffers is stressed; sampling rate issues are covered, as well as many of
the implementation-level details, including register settings.
Chapter 11: Engineering Design Assistance Tools
The complexity of current digital radio air interfaces almost mandates the use
of engineering design assistance (EDA) tools during the development of new
products; this applies equally well to software and hardware implementations.
This chapter explores the benefits of EDA tools and reviews several popular
tools well suited to software radio and 3G cellular systems development.
I hope you find this book helpful and that after reading the work you
will be enthused enough to contribute to the advancement of this fantastic
technology. Please feel free to contact me at