【文件名】:0693@52RD_Bluetooth Test Specification V1.2.rar
【格 式】:rar
【大 小】:4040K
【简 介】:This Bluetooth document contains the Test Suite Structure (TSS) and Test Purposes
(TP) to test the Bluetooth Baseband layer. The objective of this Test
Specification is to provide a basis for conformance tests for Bluetooth devices
giving a high probability of air interface inter-operability between different manufacturer's
Bluetooth devices. The general concepts and conformance testing
principles as defined in ISO/IEC 9646-1 and OSI Conformance Testing Methodology
and Framework (CTMF) are used as a basis for the testing of Bluetooth
protocol and profile implementation.
【目 录】:
[此贴子已经被qieyong于2007-1-19 10:34:16编辑过] |