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[MCU资料] FreeRTOS 定时器精度研究

发表于 2016-10-11 18:08:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

FreeRTOS 以其移植方便,高度可定制,footprint 小,使其在嵌入式操作系统中的份额不容小觑! 尤以免费 license,颇受开发者青睐。


首先在stm32f407-discovery平台移植FreeRTOS,并创建一个定时器,在其回调函数里toggle led灯,并测量被执行的时间。鉴于FreeRTOS是一个多任务可抢占式系统,这个问题需要在多种情况下分析。
Case 1 :
单任务,即系统里仅有timertask和idle task。整个系统最高优先级为4,Timer task的优先级为默认优先级2。
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Case 2 :
多任务,即系统里不仅有timertask和idle task,还有用户创建的task。整个系统最高优先级为4,Timer task的优先级为默认优先级2。
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
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UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
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UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
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UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
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UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
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Case 3 :
多任务,即系统里不仅有timer task和idle task,还有用户创建的task。整个系统最高优先级为4,Timertask的优先级为默认优先级4。这样设置优先级,是希望能通过将timer task设置为最高优先级,以期望调度器能优先调度执行timer task。
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
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UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
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UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
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UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
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UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
UART Printf Example:retarget the C library printf function to the UART
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