发信人: zfhit (期待这个学期的卐解,), 信区: Microwave
标 题: 关于矢网数据导入excel处理的方法
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sun May 21 15:14:19 2006), 转信
官方说明 一看就知道了 我照着做了,没有问题。
How do I import an S2P data file into Excel?
1. Perform a full two-port calibration on the network analyzer. Note! The cu
rrent firmware does not support a one-port calibration. The analyzer will no
t create an S2P file unless you have done a full 2-port calibration.
2. Insert your device under test and make the measurement(s) of interest.
3. Insert a DOS-formatted disk into the analyzer's internal disk drive.
4. On the analyzer press the [SAVE/RECALL], [SELECT DISK], [INTERNAL DISK],
key and softkeys to save the data.
5. Take the floppy disk out of the analyzer and insert it into your PC disk
6. Start your Excel application. Click the "Open File" icon (second left in
the icon bar).
7. Click the down arrow in the "Look in:" field and select "3-1/2 Floppy (A:
8. Click the down arrow in the "Files of type:" field and select "All files"
. You will notice several files on the floppy disk. The S2P file will have a
file extension of .s1 or .s2 for channel 1 or 2 data, respectively.
9. Select the .s1 or .s2 file of interest. Click "OPEN". This will open the
"Text import Wizard" window.
10. In the "Text import Wizard - Step 1 of 3" window, select "DELIMITED" and
click "NEXT".
11. In the "Text import Wizard - Step 2 of 3" window, check "COMMA", "SPACE"
, "TAB" and click "NEXT".
12. In the "Text import Wizard - Step 3 of 3" window, click "FINISH". The S2
P file is now imported into your Excel spreadsheet.
The idea must be proven to work operationally, and
People who are considering adopting the change must understand why it works
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:] |