【文件名】:06614@52RD_A ARM book[1].part1.rar
【格 式】:rar
【大 小】:1457K
【简 介】:This book is intended as a hands-on guide for anyone planning to use the Philips LPC2000 family of microcontrollers in a new design. It is laid out both as a reference book and as a tutorial. It is assumed that you have some experience in programming microcontrollers for embedded systems and are familiar with the C language. The bulk of technical informatio is spread over the first four chapters, which should be read in order if you are completely new to the LPC2000 and the ARM7 CPU.
【目 录】:
Chapter 1: The ARM7 CPU Core
Chapter 2: Software Development
Chapter 3: System Peripherals
Chapter 4: User Peripherals
Chapter 5: Keil Tutorial
Chapter 6: Tutorial With GNU Tools