全面细致的讲解了相关技术原理、系统实用设计、RF/MW设计、规划配置高级工程技术,既有Rain衰落 空间传播模型等传统知识,也带来了一些热门知识,如MC-CDMA SDMA CSMA OFDMA等多址技巧,理论联系实际应用,是一本内容丰富的参考书。具体内容包括: Point-to-point LOS and NLOS network design Point-to-point microwave link design including active and passive repeaters Consecutive point and mesh network planning Advanced empirical and physical propagation modeling including ray-tracing Detailed microwave fading models for multipath and rain NLOS (indoor and outdoor) propagation and fading models Propagation environment models including terrain, morphology, buildings, and atmospheric effects Novel mixed application packet traffic modeling for dimensioning network capacity Narrow beam, wide beam, and adaptive (smart) antennas MIMO systems and space-time coding Channel planning including fixed and dynamic channel assignment and dynamic packet assignment IEEE 802.11b and 802.11a (WLAN) system design Free space optic (FSO) link design 【文件名】:06525@52RD_Fixed Broadband Wireless System Design - Wiley[1].2003.part1.rar 【格 式】:rar 【大 小】:2060K 【简 介】: 【目 录】: |
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