SIRF 最新3代 GPS datasheet
【文件名】:10623@52RD_GSC3eLPx and GSC3fLPx Data sheet.pdf
【格 式】:pdf
【大 小】:688K
【简 介】:
【目 录】:
Next Generation, Lowest Power, GPS Performance
􀁘 200,000+ effective correlators for fast TTFF
and high sensitivity acquisitions
􀁘 Supports 20-Channel GPS
􀁘 High sensitivity for indoor fixes
􀁘 Extremely fast TTFFs at low signal levels
􀁘 Real-time navigation for location-based services
􀁘 Low 100 ms interrupt load on microprocessor for easy
IP implementation
􀁘 SBAS (WAAS, MSAS, and EGNOS) support
SiRFLocTM Client AGPS Support
􀁘 SiRF patented end-to-end solution
􀁘 Multimodes: mobile centric to network centric
􀁘 Mutli-standard support: 3GPP, 3GPP2, PDC, iDEN,
and TIA-916
􀁘 Supports AI3 and F interfaces |
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