发表于 2012-3-23 20:56:06
以下是引用luan3703在2009-9-19 18:15:54的发言:
【格 式】:pdf
【大 小】:2388K
【简 介】:
For Engineers
Granted, there are many good teachers out there and you might have gotten
the basics, but time and too many “status reports ” have dulled the fi nish on
your basic knowledge set. If you are like me, you have found a few really good
books that you often pull off the shelf in a time of need. They usually have a
well-written, easy-to-understand explanation of the particular topic you need
to apply. I hope this will be one of those books for you.
You might also be a fi sh out of water, an ME thrown into the world of electri-
cal engineering, and you would really like a basic understanding to work with
the EEs around you. If you get a really good understanding of these principles,
I guarantee you will surprise at least some of the “ sparkies ” (as I like to call
them) with your intuitive insights into problems at hand.
【目 录】:
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