发表于 2009-1-10 23:49:23
For the test parameters tables, Ior is specified in terms of power spectral density in
a Spreading Rate 1 bandwidth. For testing applicable to Spreading Rate 3, the total
received power in a Spreading Rate 3 bandwidth is effectively 5 dB higher.
For the test parameters tables, Ec/Ior is specified in terms of the ratio in dB
between the energy accumulated over one PN chip period (Ec) to the total transmit
power spectral density in a Spreading Rate 1 bandwidth. For testing applicable to
Spreading Rate 3, Ec/Ior in a Spreading Rate 3 bandwidth is effectively 5 dB lower.
3GPP2上面讲的 我也看的不是很明白,哪个高手翻译下吧.
本来想将资料传上来的,太慢了. 我用的是EDGE卡上的网
FER: frame error rate, 即误帧率. 后面跟个123就不晓得啥意思了.
第3,4个也不晓得,期待高手 |