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[讨论] wince5.0唤醒的问题

发表于 2007-10-19 15:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
;       1. Push SVC state onto our stack
stmdb   sp!, {r4-r12}
stmdb   sp!, {lr}
; VLED_ON 0x0
;       2. Save MMU & CPU Register to RAM
    ldr     r3, =SLEEPDATA_BASE_VIRTUAL     ; base of Sleep mode storage
ldr     r2, =Awake_address              ; store Virtual return address
str     r2, [r3], #4
mrc     p15, 0, r2, c1, c0, 0           ; load r2 with MMU Control
ldr     r0, =MMU_CTL_MASK               ; mask off the undefined bits
bic     r2, r2, r0
str     r2, [r3], #4                    ; store MMU Control data
mrc     p15, 0, r2, c2, c0, 0           ; load r2 with TTB address.
ldr     r0, =MMU_TTB_MASK               ; mask off the undefined bits
bic     r2, r2, r0
str     r2, [r3], #4                    ; store TTB address
mrc     p15, 0, r2, c3, c0, 0           ; load r2 with domain access control.
str     r2, [r3], #4                    ; store domain access control
str     sp, [r3], #4                    ; store SVC stack pointer
mrs     r2, spsr
str     r2, [r3], #4                    ; store SVC status register
mov     r1, #Mode_FIQ:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit ; Enter FIQ mode, no interrupts
msr     cpsr, r1
mrs     r2, spsr
stmia   r3!, {r2, r8-r12, sp, lr}       ; store the FIQ mode registers
mov     r1, #Mode_ABT:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit ; Enter ABT mode, no interrupts
msr     cpsr, r1
mrs  r0, spsr
stmia   r3!, {r0, sp, lr}               ; store the ABT mode Registers
mov     r1, #Mode_IRQ:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit ; Enter IRQ mode, no interrupts
msr     cpsr, r1
mrs     r0, spsr
stmia   r3!, {r0, sp, lr}               ; store the IRQ Mode Registers
mov     r1, #Mode_UND:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit ; Enter UND mode, no interrupts
msr     cpsr, r1
mrs     r0, spsr
stmia   r3!, {r0, sp, lr}               ; store the UND mode Registers
mov     r1, #Mode_SYS:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit ; Enter SYS mode, no interrupts
msr     cpsr, r1
stmia   r3!, {sp, lr}                   ; store the SYS mode Registers
mov     r1, #Mode_SVC:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit ; Back to SVC mode, no interrupts
msr     cpsr, r1
;       3. do Checksum on the Sleepdata
ldr     r3, =SLEEPDATA_BASE_VIRTUAL ; get pointer to SLEEPDATA
mov     r2, #0
ldr     r0, =SLEEPDATA_SIZE  ; get size of data structure (in words)
ldr     r1, [r3], #4
and     r1, r1, #0x1
mov     r1, r1, LSL #31
orr     r1, r1, r1, LSR #1
add     r2, r2, r1
subs    r0, r0, #1
bne     %b30
ldr     r0, =vGPIOBASE
str     r2, [r0, #oGSTATUS3]  ; Store in Power Manager Scratch pad register
;       4. Interrupt Disable
    ldr     r0, =vINTBASE
    mvn     r2, #0
str     r2, [r0, #oINTMSK]
str     r2, [r0, #oSRCPND]
str     r2, [r0, #oINTPND]
;       5. Cache Flush
bl      ARMClearUTLB
bl      ARMFlushICache
ldr     r0, = (DCACHE_LINES_PER_SET - 1)
ldr     r1, = (DCACHE_NUM_SETS - 1)
ldr     r2, = DCACHE_SET_INDEX_BIT
ldr     r3, = DCACHE_LINE_SIZE
bl      ARMFlushDCache

;       6. Setting Wakeup External Interrupt(EINT0,1,2) Mode
; ldr     r0, =vGPIOBASE
; ldr  r1, [r0, #oGPFCON]
; ldr     r1, =0x00002  ;set gpf0 as wake up eint
; and  r1, r1, #0xfffffffc
; orr  r1, r1, #2
; and  r1, r1, #0x00000c00
; orr  r1, r1, #0x00000400

; str     r1, [r0, #oGPFCON]
ldr     r0, =vGPIOBASE
      ldr     r1, =0x950a
      str     r1, [r0, #oGPFCON]
      ldr     r1, =0x55550100
      str     r1, [r0, #oGPGCON]

;       7. Go to Power-Off Mode
ldr  r0, =vMISCCR   ; hit the TLB
ldr  r0, [r0]
ldr  r0, =vCLKCON
ldr  r0, [r0]
ldr     r0, =vREFRESH
ldr     r1, [r0]  ; r1=rREFRESH
orr     r1, r1, #(1 << 22)

ldr  r2, =vMISCCR
ldr  r3, [r2]

        orr  r3, r3, #(7<<17)
ldr     r4, =vCLKCON
ldr     r5, =0x7fff8            ; Power Off Mode
      ldr  r8, =0xEA000000
      add  r8, r8, #0x3f0
      add  r8, r8, #0xe  ; make value to 0xEA0003FE
; Sometimes it is not working in cache mode. So I modify to jump to ROM area.

; ldr  r6, =0x92000000  ; make address to 0x9200 0020
; ldr     r7, [r6]            ;Check ROM Address data, if 0xEA0003FE, it is EBOOT
;    cmp     r7, r8
;    bne     %f50
;    add  r6, r6, #0x1000        ; Because eboot startup code is located at 0x1000.
;  add     r6, r6, #0x4
;   mov     pc, r6                  ; jump to Power off code in ROM

b       SelfRefreshAndPowerOff
ALIGN   32                      ; for I-Cache Line(32Byte, 8 Word)
SelfRefreshAndPowerOff  ; run with Instruction Cache's code
str     r1, [r0]  ; Enable SDRAM self-refresh
str  r3, [r2]  ; MISCCR Setting
str     r5, [r4]  ; Power Off !!
b       .
; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
;           Add for Power Management
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ldr  r1, =GSTATUS2           ; Determine Booting Mode
ldr  r10, [r1]
tst  r10, #0x2    ; Power-Off reset Check
beq  %F2                     ; if not wakeup from PowerOffmode
         ;  goto Watchdog reset test.
b  %F3      ; if wakeup from PowerOff mode
         ;  goto Power-up code.
; Watchdog reset
tst  r10, #0x4    ; In case of the wake-up from Watchdog reset,
         ;  go to SDRAM start address(0x3020_0000)
b  %F4      ; If not wakeup from Watchdog reset,
beq  %F4      ; If not wakeup from Watchdog reset,
         ;  goto Normal Mode.
mov  r0, #4
str  r0, [r1]    ; Clear the GSTATUS2. Because same code is located in memory address.
; Set memory control registers
add  r0, pc, #SMRDATA - (. + 8)
ldr     r1, = BWSCON   ; BWSCON Address
add  r2, r0, #52    ; End address of SMRDATA
ldr     r3, [r0], #4
str     r3, [r1], #4
cmp     r2, r0
bne  loop0
mov  r1, #256
subs r1, r1, #1    ; wait until the SelfRefresh is released.
bne  loop1
ldr  r2, =0x201000   ; offset into the RAM
add  r2, r2, #0x30000000  ; add physical base
mov     pc, r2     ;  & jump to StartUp address
b .

; Case of Power-off reset
ldr  r1, =MISCCR       ; MISCCR's Bit 17, 18, 19 -> 0
ldr  r0, [r1]
bic  r0, r0, #(3 << 17)
str  r0, [r1]

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;           Add for Power Management
; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
add  r0, pc, #SMRDATA - (. + 8)
ldr     r1, = BWSCON   ; BWSCON Address
add  r2, r0, #52    ; End address of SMRDATA
ldr     r3, [r0], #4
str     r3, [r1], #4
cmp     r2, r0
bne     %B1

; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
;           Add for Power Management
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
tst  r10, #0x2      ; Power-Off reset check
beq  BringUpWinCE                    ; Normal Mode Booting
; Recover Process : Starting Point
ldr  r1, =GSTATUS2           ; Determine Booting Mode
ldr  r10, [r1]
str  r10, [r1]    ; Clear Booting Mode
;  1. Checksum Calculation saved Data
ldr  r5, =SLEEPDATA_BASE_PHYSICAL ; pointer to physical address of reserved Sleep mode info data structure
mov  r3, r5     ; pointer for checksum calculation
mov  r2, #0
ldr  r0, =SLEEPDATA_SIZE  ; get size of data structure to do checksum on
ldr  r1, [r3], #4   ; pointer to SLEEPDATA
and  r1, r1, #0x1
mov  r1, r1, LSL #31
orr  r1, r1, r1, LSR #1
add  r2, r2, r1
subs        r0, r0, #1    ; dec the count
bne  %b40           ; loop till done
ldr  r0,=GSTATUS3
ldr  r3, [r0]    ; get the Sleep data checksum from the Power Manager Scratch pad register
teq  r2, r3           ; compare to what we saved before going to sleep
; bne  BringUpWinCE      ; bad news - do a cold boot - If emergency power off case, normal booting.
bne  JumpToRAM    ; bad news - do a cold boot - If emergency power off case, normal booting.
ldr  r2, =0x400000     ; offset into the RAM
ldr  r3, =0x30000000     ; add physical base
add  r2, r2, r3
mov     pc, r2       ;  & jump to StartUp address
;  2. MMU Enable
ldr     r10, [r5, #SleepState_MMUDOMAIN] ; load the MMU domain access info
ldr     r9,  [r5, #SleepState_MMUTTB]  ; load the MMU TTB info
ldr     r8,  [r5, #SleepState_MMUCTL]  ; load the MMU control info
ldr     r7,  [r5, #SleepState_WakeAddr]  ; load the LR address
; if software reset

; b  BringUpWinCE
; b  CPUPowerReset

; wakeup routine
mcr  p15, 0, r10, c3, c0, 0  ; setup access to domain 0
mcr  p15, 0, r9,  c2, c0, 0  ; PT address
mcr  p15, 0, r0,  c8, c7, 0     ; flush I+D TLBs
mcr  p15, 0, r8,  c1, c0, 0  ; restore MMU control
;  3. Jump to Kernel Image's fw.s(Awake_address)
mov     pc, r7      ;  & jump to new virtual address (back up Power management stack)
;       1. Recover CPU Registers
ldr     r3, =SLEEPDATA_BASE_VIRTUAL  ; Sleep mode information data structure
add     r2, r3, #SleepState_FIQ_SPSR
mov     r1, #Mode_FIQ:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit  ; Enter FIQ mode, no interrupts - also FIQ
msr     cpsr, r1
ldr     r0,  [r2], #4
msr     spsr, r0
ldr     r8,  [r2], #4
ldr     r9,  [r2], #4
ldr     r10, [r2], #4
ldr     r11, [r2], #4
ldr     r12, [r2], #4
ldr     sp,  [r2], #4
ldr     lr,  [r2], #4
;mov     r1, #Mode_ABT:OR:I_Bit   ; Enter ABT mode, no interrupts
msr     cpsr, r1
ldr     r0, [r2], #4
msr     spsr, r0
ldr     sp, [r2], #4
ldr     lr, [r2], #4
;mov     r1, #Mode_IRQ:OR:I_Bit   ; Enter IRQ mode, no interrupts
msr     cpsr, r1
ldr     r0, [r2], #4
msr     spsr, r0
ldr     sp, [r2], #4
ldr     lr, [r2], #4
;mov     r1, #Mode_UND:OR:I_Bit   ; Enter UND mode, no interrupts
msr     cpsr, r1
ldr     r0, [r2], #4
msr     spsr, r0
ldr     sp, [r2], #4
ldr     lr, [r2], #4
;mov     r1, #Mode_SYS:OR:I_Bit   ; Enter SYS mode, no interrupts
msr     cpsr, r1
ldr     sp, [r2], #4
ldr     lr, [r2]
;mov     r1, #Mode_SVC:OR:I_Bit     ; Enter SVC mode, no interrupts - FIQ is available
msr     cpsr, r1
ldr     r0, [r3, #SleepState_SVC_SPSR]
msr     spsr, r0
;       2. Recover Last mode's REG's, & go back to caller of CPUPowerOff()
ldr     sp, [r3, #SleepState_SVC_SP]
ldr     lr, [sp], #4
ldmia   sp!, {r4-r12}
mov     pc, lr                          ; and now back to our sponsors
发表于 2008-12-20 15:11:33 | 显示全部楼层

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