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[讨论] book--Developing Software for Symbian OS

发表于 2006-9-12 21:23:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【文件名】:Developing Software for Symbian OS
【格 式】:pdf
【大 小】:4000K
【简 介】:
This book represents two milestones for Symbian Press: it is our first
book to be written specifically for beginners in Symbian OS development,
and it is the first Symbian OS C++ text in the series to have been written
by an author who has not spent at least part of his working life as a
developer at Symbian Ltd.
These two facts are not entirely unrelated; Steve’s background means
that he is ideally positioned to understand the problems facing a developer
who is approaching Symbian OS for the first time. In consequence, this
book provides valuable and practical answers at all stages, from obtaining
and setting up a development system to the production of an installable
multilingual application.
【目 录】:
1 Smartphones and Symbian OS 1
1.1 Smartphone Concept 2
1.2 Smartphone Features 2
1.3 Smartphone Messaging 6
1.4 Web Browsing 7
1.5 Local Device Communication Features 8
1.6 The Mobile OS 9
1.7 Symbian – A Little History 10
1.8 Symbian OS Smartphones 13
1.9 Other Smartphone Operating Systems 16
2 Symbian OS Quick Start 19
2.1 What Do You Need to Get Started? 19
2.2 Firing Up the Development Tools 24
2.3 Simple Example Application 31
2.4 Building and Executing on the Emulator 50
2.5 Building for the Smartphone 51
3 Symbian OS Architecture 55
3.1 Components in Symbian OS 55
3.2 Multitasking in Symbian OS 56
3.3 Dynamic Link Libraries 57
3.4 Client/Server Model 59
3.5 Memory in Symbian OS 60
3.6 The Kernel 66
3.7 Active Objects and Asynchronous Functions 69
3.8 What Is a Polymorphic DLL? 70
3.9 GUI Architecture 72
3.10 High Performance Graphics 75
3.11 The Communication Architecture 75
3.12 Application Engines, Services and Protocols 79
4 Symbian OS Programming Basics 81
4.1 Use of C++ in Symbian OS 81
4.2 Nonstandard C++ Characteristics 82
4.3 Basic Data Types 82
4.4 Symbian OS Classes 83
4.5 Exception Error Handling and Cleanup 88
4.6 Libraries 103
4.7 Executable Files 108
4.8 Naming Conventions 110
4.9 Summary 112
5 Symbian OS Build Environment 115
5.1 SDK Directory Structure 115
5.2 Build System Overview 117
5.3 Build Targets 118
5.4 Basic Build Flow 119
5.5 What Is a UID? 123
5.6 The Emulator 124
5.7 Building DLLs 128
5.8 DLL Interface Freezing 131
5.9 Installing Applications on the Smartphone 136
5.10 Switching Between SDKs 147
6 Strings, Buffers and Data Collections 151
6.1 Introducing the Text Console 151
6.2 Descriptors for Strings and Binary Data 154
6.3 The Descriptor Classes 158
6.4 Descriptor Methods 172
6.5 Converting Between 8-bit and 16-bit Descriptors 186
6.6 Dynamic Buffers 186
6.7 Arrays 191
6.8 Other Data Collection Classes 200
7 Processes, Threads
and Synchronization 203
7.1 Processes 203
7.2 Using Threads 213
7.3 Sharing Memory Between Processes 220
7.4 Memory Chunks 223
7.5 Thread Synchronization 228
8 Asynchronous Functions and Active Objects 235
8.1 Asynchronous Functions 235
8.2 Introducing Active Objects 237
8.3 The Active Scheduler 241
8.4 Active Scheduler Error Handling 246
8.5 Active Object Priorities 247
8.6 Canceling Outstanding Requests 247
8.7 Removing an Active Object 248
8.8 Active Object Example 249
8.9 Active Object Issues 256
8.10 Using Active Objects as Threads 258
9 Client/Server Framework 267
9.1 Client/Server Overview 268
9.2 A Look at the Client/Server Classes 268
9.3 Client/Server Example 270
9.4 Subsessions of the Server 287
10 Symbian OS TCP/IP Network Programming 293
10.1 Introduction to TCP/IP 294
10.2 Network Programming Using Sockets 296
10.3 Symbian OS Socket API 304
10.4 Example: Retrieving Weather Information 315
10.5 Making a Network Connection 322
11 GUI Application Programming 325
11.1 Symbian OS User Interfaces 325
11.2 Anatomy of a GUI Application 332
11.3 Application Classes 333
11.4 Resource Files 340
11.5 Dialogs 348
11.6 Symbian OS Controls 372
11.7 View Architecture 387
11.8 Application Icon and Caption 391
Appendix 1 Specifications of Symbian OS Phones 395
Appendix 2 Security in Symbian OS v9 425
Index 431
【格 式】:pdf
【大 小】:4095K
【简 介】:
【目 录】:


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