【文件名】:06724@52RD_LANs - A Theoretical and Practical Guide.part1.rar
【格 式】:rar
【大 小】:980K
【简 介】:Before delving into the details of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), relevant background material must be presented first. The purpose of this chapter is to provide the necessary building blocks for the development of OFDM principles. Included in this chapter are reviews of stochastic and random process, discrete-time signals and systems, and the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Tooled with the necessary mathematical foundation, we proceed with an overview of digital communication systems and OFDM communication systems. We conclude the chapter with summaries of the OFDM wireless LAN standards currently in existence and a high-level comparison of single carrier systems versus OFDM.
【目 录】:
Chap 1 - Background and WLAN Overview
Chap 2 - Synchronization
Chap 3 - Modulation and Coding
Chap 4 - Antenna Diversity
Chap 5 - RF Distortion Analysis for WLAN
Chap 6 - Medium Access Control for Wireless LANs
Chap 7 - Medium Access Control (MAC) for HiperLAN/2 Networks
Chap 8 - Rapid Prototyping for WLANs
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