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【大 小】:1012K
【简 介】:µC/OS-II has been running on ARM based processors since 1995 (in fact µC/OS V1.x has). There has been a number of ARM ports posted on the Micriµm web site. The differences have mostly to do with differences in compilers and what target board they run on.This application note describes the ‘official’ Micrium port for µC/OS-II. Figure 1-1 shows a block diagram
showing the relationship between your application, µC/OS-II, the port code and the BSP (Board Support Package). Relevant sections of this application note are referenced on the figure.
【目 录】:
1.00 Introduction
2.00 The ARM programmer’s model
3.00 µC/OS-II Port for the ARM
4.00 Exception Vector Table
5.00 Memory Management
6.00 Application Code
7.00 BSP (Board Support Package)
8.00 Conclusion