09:42:54.703 [GPIB] INITiate:ON?
09:42:54.703 [GPIB] 0: WCP
09:42:54.703 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_FetchResult----
09:42:54.703 [GPIB] Fetch:WCPower:POWer?
09:42:54.703 [GPIB] 0: -1.28465300E+001
09:42:54.703 [GPIB] FETCh:WCPower:INTegrity?
09:42:54.703 [GPIB] 0: +6
:42:54.703 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() = -12.846530
:42:54.812 CWcdmaApcClass::PowerTrackingTerminated()
:42:54.812 PA Gain (1210) exceed the max limit(1210), so set to max
:42:54.812 CWcdmaApcClass::SetPaGainByPaOctLevelControlIndex(): Band: 0, PA Control Index: 7, PA Gain: 1210
:42:54.812 CWcdmaApcClass::SetOctLevelPaControlRuntimeToTarget(): Band: 0
:42:54.828 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPowerPaCal()
:42:54.828 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() Band: 0, UARFCN: 9750, PA MODE: 0, TPC Index: 0, Trigger Type: 0, Trigger Delay: 100ms
:42:54.828 CWcdmaApcClass::DutTx()
:42:54.953 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_Initiate----
09:42:54.953 [GPIB] 0: INITiate:WCPower
09:42:55.156 [GPIB] INITiate:ON?
09:42:55.156 [GPIB] 0: WCP
09:42:55.156 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_FetchResult----
09:42:55.156 [GPIB] Fetch:WCPower:POWer?
09:42:55.156 [GPIB] 0: -1.28051300E+001
09:42:55.156 [GPIB] FETCh:WCPower:INTegrity?
09:42:55.156 [GPIB] 0: +6
09:42:55.156 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() = -12.805130
09:42:55.281 CWcdmaApcClass::PowerTrackingTerminated()
09:42:55.281 PA Gain (1210) exceed the max limit(1210), so set to max
09:42:55.281 CWcdmaApcClass::SetPaGainByPaOctLevelControlIndex(): Band: 0, PA Control Index: 7, PA Gain: 1210
09:42:55.281 CWcdmaApcClass::SetOctLevelPaControlRuntimeToTarget(): Band: 0
09:42:55.312 CWcdmaApcClass::PowerTrackingTerminated()
09:42:55.312 [*Error*] PA Gain calibraion unable to converge after (30) attempts