Android4.2 在开机时去掉锁屏,有需要的朋友可以参考下。
Android4.2 在开机时去掉锁屏
frameworks/base/policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/keyguard/KeyguardViewMediator.javapublic void onSystemReady()
mSearchManager = (SearchManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.SEARCH_SERVICE); synchronized(this)
{ if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onSystemReady");
mSystemReady = true;
mUpdateMonitor.registerCallback(mUpdateCallback);// Suppress biometric unlock right after boot until things havesettled if it is the // selected security method, otherwiseunsuppress it. It must be unsuppressed if it is // not the selectedsecurity method for the following reason: if the user starts //without a screen lock selected, the biometric unlock would besuppressed the first // time they try to use it. // // Note thatthe biometric unlock will still not show if it is not the selectedmethod. // Calling setAlternateUnlockEnabled(true) simply saysdon't suppress it if it is the // selected method.
if (mLockPatternUtils.usingBiometricWeak()&& mLockPatternUtils.isBiometricWeakInstalled()) {
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "suppressing biometric unlock duringboot"); mUpdateMonitor.setAlternateUnlockEnabled(false);
} else {
} // Most services aren't available until the system reaches theready state, so we // send it here when the device first boots.