1. Job Summary:
 Responsible for Acoustic analysis on various stage, from prototype to FA
 Key person to identify possible root cause for acoustic failure & propose proper solution.
 Authorize engineer to implement proper solution to improve yield.
2. Duties and Responsibilities:
 Acoustic design for new products (speakers, receivers) 新产品声学设计 (扬声器, 受话器)
 Build up analysis model and optimize the key acoustic parameters for new products. 新产品产品分析模型的建立并优化关键声学参量
 Cooperate with mechanical engineer to finish the detail mechanical design for products. 草图设计, 并于结构工程师协作完成产品新产品结构设计
 Conduct Analysis on products for acoustic performance产品的声学特性分析
 Support production line for FA analysis.
 Implement Acoustic measurement on product prototypes-for example, TS parameter. 样品的声学测试,例如TS参数等
 Design and carry out the acoustic analysis for the prototypes. 样品设计和声学分析
 Find clue for product improvements. 提供产品改进方案
 Documentation for the analysis and experiment results. 完成分析报告和试验结果报告
 Exchange ideas with other acoustic experts. 与其他声学专家进行专业探讨
3. Job Specifications
 Minimum Bachelor degree for Acoustical Engineer or equivalent.
 Major in Electronics or Physics, prefer majority related to acoustic area. 电子学或物理学专业本科毕业生, 有声学相关知识优先
 Or at least 3 years working experience in research departments for acoustic components.或至少三年声学元器件研发领域的相关工作经验
 Working experience in acoustic components company of min 2 years or master degree in acoustic area.至少两年声学元器件领域工作经验或声学硕士
 Experience in acoustic design of speaker or microphone.有扬声器或麦克风的声学设计经验
 Experience in FEM analysis.具有有限源分析经验
 Knowledge about acoustic components for telecommunication market.了解通讯领域的声学器件
4. Key Relationships:
 Reports to IAS AME Director locally
 Supervise space shipe turned cpk