【格 式】:rar
【大 小】:981K
【简 介】:The goals for this lesson are:
- Create a project A project is a collection entity for an HDL design under specification or test. Projects ease interaction with the tool and are useful for organizing files and simulation settings. At a minimum, projects have a
work library and a session state that is stored in a .mpf file. A project may also consist of:
o HDL source files or references to source files
o other files such as READMEs or other project documentation
o local libraries
o references to global libraries
For more information about using project files, see the ModelSim User’s Manual.
【目 录】:
1. Start ModelSim:
2. Select Create a Project
3. The next step is to add the files that contain your design units.
4. Click your right mouse button
5. The two files are compiled.
6. Load one of the design units