D:\mtk>make new
make ["customer"|"mt62xx"] "project" "action" ["modules"]
customer = mtk (Default customer)
= firefly17_demo (FIREFLY17_DEMO project)
= [mt6217|mt6219|mt6226|mt6227|mt6228|mt6229] (EVB only)
= ...
project = l1s (Layer 1 stand-alone)
= gsm (GSM only)
= gprs (GPRS only)
= umts (GPRS+UMTS)
= basic (Basic Framework)
action = new (codegen, resgen, clean, update) (default)
= update or u (scan, compile, link)
= remake or r (compile, link)
= clean or c (clean)
= resgen (resgen)
= c,u (clean then update)
= c,r (clean then remake)
= codegen (codegen)
= viewlog (open edit to view build log)
= emigen (emigen)
= emiclean (emiclean)
module(s) = modules' name (kal, l1, ...)
=> OPTIONAL when action is one of (clean c remake r update u c,r c,u)
make gsm new (MT6205B EVB new)
make gprs codegen (MT6218B EVB codegen)
make mt6219 gprs update (MT6219 EVB update)
make firefly17_demo gprs new
make milan_demo gprs c,u init custom
make mt6219 gprs r init custom drv
不是(make new)命令可以全部编译的吗??怎么这会用不了啦,各位高手帮我看看,我用的平台是0840的 |