35平台如果支持的是AVI(make file 里面MJPG_support = true)
視頻部分,MJPEG,寬*高 <=320*240,幀率<=15fps
音頻部分是PCM 每秒采樣8K,每個采樣率占兩個字節 ,單聲道。即128kbps
如果35平台支持的是3gp(make file 里面 MP4_decode = sw_decode, mp4_encode = sw_encode)
播放 QCIF 30fps(0912之后可以支持到QVGA),播放的時候可以是.3gp,.mp4格式。音頻部分是AAC/AMR,視頻部分是H.263/H.264/MPEG4。詳細格式如下:
1、H.263 P0 L10 Video codec for low bitrate. P0 L10=Profile 0 Level 10. Profile 0: Minimum decoder capability; Level 10: up to 15fps, up to QCIF, up to 64kbps. Mandatory in 3GPP PSS Rel 5.
2、H.263 P0 L45 Profile 0 Level 45: up to QCIF, up to 15fps, up to 128 kbps. Mandatory in 3GPP PSS Rel 6.
3、MPEG4 SP L0 Video codec for low bitrate with greater efficiency than H.263. SP L0=Simple Profile Level 0: up to 15 fps, up to QCIF, up to 64kbps. Recommended in 3GPP PSS Rel 5.
4、MPEG4 SP L0b Simple Profile Level 0b: up to 15fps, up to QCIF, up to 128 kbps. Recommended in 3GPP PSS Rel 6.
5、AMR-NB Sampling rate :8khz, Bit rate :4.75K,5.15,5.9,6.7,7.4,7.95,10.2,12.2kbps mono,decoder provider by ETSI
6、AMR-WB Sampling rate :16Khz Bit rate:6.6k,8.85,12.65,14.25,15.85,18.25,19.85,23.05,23.85kbps mono,decoder provider by ETSI
7、AAC Sampling rate :8khz,11.25,12,16,22.05,24,32,44.1,48。Bitrate:16 to 320kbps decoder form Coding Technology
8、AAC+ Sampling rate:16k,22,24,32,44.1,48k。Bit rate :16 to 96 kbps, decoder from coding technology。
9、Enhanced AAC+ Sampling rate:16k,22,24,32,44.1,48k。Bit rate :16 to 96 kbps, decoder from coding technology。
1、H.263 P0 L10 Video codec for low bitrate. P0 L10=Profile 0 Level 10. Profile 0: Minimum decoder capability; Level 10: up to 15fps, up to QCIF, up to 64kbps. Mandatory in 3GPP PSS Rel 5.
2、H.263 P0 L45 Profile 0 Level 45: up to QCIF, up to 15fps, up to 128 kbps. Mandatory in 3GPP PSS Rel 6.
3、MPEG4 SP L0 Video codec for low bitrate with greater efficiency than H.263. SP L0=Simple Profile Level 0: up to 15 fps, up to QCIF, up to 64kbps. Recommended in 3GPP PSS Rel 5.
4、MPEG4 SP L0b Simple Profile Level 0b: up to 15fps, up to QCIF, up to 128 kbps. Recommended in 3GPP PSS Rel 6.
5、AMR-NB Designed originally for narrow band speech application. Bit rates : 4.75 to 12.2 kbps. Mandatory in 3gp PSS Rel 5. 8khz,mono,encoder provider by ETSI In idle mode:8rates up to 12.2kpbs In dedicated mode: 5.15kbps
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