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[资料] RF MEMS Circuit Design for Wireless(Artech House)

发表于 2006-3-8 13:10:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【文件名】:0638@52RD_RF MEMS Circuit Design for Wireless Communications (Artech House-2002).pdf
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【简 介】:RF MEMS Circuit Design for Wireless(Artech House),供261页,内容如下,请慎重下载。
【目 录】:
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xvii
1 Wireless Systems.A Circuits Perspective 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Spheres of Wireless Activity.Technical Issues 3
1.2.1 The Home and the Office 5
1.2.2 The Ground Fixed/Mobile Platform 7
1.2.3 The Space Platform 7
1.3 Wireless Standards, Systems, and Architectures 8
1.3.1 Wireless Standards 8
1.3.2 Conceptual Wireless Systems 8
1.3.3 Wireless Transceiver Architectures 10
1.4 Power- and Bandwidth-Efficient Wireless Systems.
Challenges 12
1.5 MEMS-Based Wireless Appliances Enable Ubiquitous
Connectivity 15
1.6 Summary 16
References 17
2 Elements of RF Circuit Design 19
2.1 Introduction 19
2.2 Physical Aspects of RF Circuit Design 19
2.2.1 Skin Effect 20
2.2.2 Transmission Lines on Thin Substrates 23
2.2.3 Self-Resonance Frequency 33
2.2.4 Quality Factor 35
2.2.5 Moding (Packaging) 39
2.3 Practical Aspects of RF Circuit Design 40
2.3.1 dc Biasing 40
2.3.2 Impedance Mismatch Effects in RF MEMS 41
2.4 Problems 43
2.5 Summary 47
References 48
3 RF MEMS.Enabled Circuit Elements and Models 51
3.1 Introduction 51
3.2 RF/Microwave Substrate Properties 52
3.3 Micromachined-Enhanced Elements 55
3.3.1 Capacitors 55
3.3.2 Inductors 57
3.3.3 Varactors 67
3.4 MEM Switches 75
3.4.1 Shunt MEM Switch 75
3.4.2 Low-Voltage Hinged MEM Switch Approaches 78
viii RF MEMS Circuit Design for Wireless Communications
3.4.3 Push-Pull Series Switch 80
3.4.4 Folded-Beam-Springs Suspension Series Switch 83
3.5 Resonators 87
3.5.1 Transmission Line Planar Resonators 87
3.5.2 Cavity Resonators 87
3.5.3 Micromechanical Resonators 88
3.5.4 Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators 98
3.6 MEMS Modeling 104
3.6.1 MEMS Mechanical Modeling 105
3.6.2 MEMS Electromagnetic Modeling 106
3.7 Summary 109
References 109
4 Novel RF MEMS.Enabled Circuits 115
4.1 Introduction 115
4.2 Reconfigurable Circuit Elements 116
4.2.1 The Resonant MEMS Switch 116
4.2.2 Capacitors 118
4.2.3 Inductors 121
4.2.4 Tunable CPW Resonator 123
4.2.5 MEMS Microswitch Arrays 124
4.3 Reconfigurable Circuits 126
4.3.1 Double-Stub Tuner 127
4.3.2 Nth-Stub Tuner 130
4.3.3 Filters 132
4.3.4 Resonator Tuning System 133
4.3.5 Massively Parallel Switchable RF Front Ends 136
4.3.6 True Time-Delay Digital Phase Shifters 137
4.4 Reconfigurable Antennas 139
4.4.1 Tunable Dipole Antennas 139
4.4.2 Tunable Microstrip Patch-Array Antennas 140
Contents ix
4.5 Summary 141
References 142
5 RF MEMS.Based Circuit Design.Case Studies 145
5.1 Introduction 145
5.2 Phase Shifters 146
5.2.1 Phase Shifter Fundamentals 146
5.2.2 X-Band RF MEMS Phase Shifter for Phased Array
Applications.Case Study 151
5.2.3 Ka-Band RF MEMS Phase Shifter for Phased Array
Applications.Case Study 155
5.2.4 Ka-Band RF MEMS Phase Shifter for Radar Systems
Applications.Case Study 159
5.3 Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Filters 163
5.3.1 FBAR Filter Fundamentals 163
5.3.2 FBAR Filter for PCS Applications.Case Study 165
5.4 RF MEMS Filters 167
5.4.1 A Ka-Band Millimeter-Wave Micromachined
Tunable Filter.Case Study 167
5.4.2 A High-Q 8-MHz MEM Resonator Filter.Case
Study 171
5.5 RF MEMS Oscillators 183
5.5.1 RF MEMS Oscillator Fundamentals 184
5.5.2 A 14-MHz MEM Oscillator.Case
Study 187
5.5.3 A Ka-Band Micromachined Cavity Oscillator.Case
Study 191
5.5.4 A 2.4-GHz MEMS-Based Voltage-Controlled
Oscillator.Case Study 194
5.6 Summary 201
References 201
x RF MEMS Circuit Design for Wireless Communications
Appendix A:
GSM Radio Transmission and Reception
Specifications 205
A.1 Output Power 206
A.1.1 Mobile Station 206
A.1.2 Base Station 211
A.2 Output RF Spectrum 213
A.2.1 Spectrum Due to Modulation and
Wideband Noise 214
A.2.2 Spectrum Due to Switching Transients 221
A.3 Spurious Emissions 222
A.3.1 Principle of the Specification 223
A.3.2 Base Transceiver Station 224
A.3.3 Mobile Station 227
A.4 Radio Frequency Tolerance 229
A.5 Output Level Dynamic Operation 229
A.5.1 Base Transceiver Station 230
A.5.2 Mobile Station 230
A.6 Modulation Accuracy 231
A.6.1 GMSK Modulation 231
A.6.2 8-PSK Modulation 231
A.7 Intermodulation Attenuation 233
A.7.1 Base Transceiver Station 234
A.7.2 Intra BTS Intermodulation Attenuation 234
A.7.3 Intermodulation Between MS (DCS 1800 &
PCS 1900 Only) 235
A.7.4 Mobile PBX (GSM 900 Only) 235
A.8 Receiver Characteristics 236
A.8.1 Blocking Characteristics 236
A.8.2 AM Suppression Characteristics 241


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