发表于 2008-11-25 22:36:06
2. What happens to the noise figure of a receiver when a 10 dB attenuator is added at the input?
a) Noise figure increases by 10 dB
The formula for cascaded noise figure is:
NF(M stages) = 10*log [nf1 + (nf2-1)/(gain1) + (nf3-1)/(gain1*gain2) + ... + (nfM-1)/(gain1*gain2*...*gainM-1)];
where each "nf" and "gain" value is expressed as a ratio rather than in dB, and M is the total number of stages.
The noise figure of an attenuator is equal to its insertion loss (10 dB in this case). Note that per the equation that the noise figure of the first element in the chain is not modified by the gain of preceding stages - as are the subsequent stages\' noise figures. Therefore, any noise figure added to the front end adds directly to the overall system noise figure - in this case an increase of 10 dB.
本文来自:我爱研发网(52RD.com) 详细出处:http://www.52rd.com/bbs/Detail_RD.BBS_30333_26_1_1.html |