【文件名】:08511@52RD_Agilent AN 154S-Parameter Design Application note.pdf
【格 式】:pdf
【大 小】:860K
【简 介】:The need for new high-frequency, solid-state circuit
design techniques has been recognized both by micro-
wave engineers and circuit designers. These engi-
neers are being asked to design solid state circuits
that will operate at higher and higher frequencies.
The development of microwave transistors and
Agilent Technologies°O netork analysis instrumen-
tation systems that permit complete network char-
acterization in the microwave frequency range
have greatly assisted these engineers in their work.
The Agilent Microwave Division°Os lab saff has
developed a high frequency circuit design seminar
to assist their counterparts in R&D labs through-
out the world. This seminar has been presented
in a number of locations in the United States and
From the experience gained in presenting this orig-
inal seminar, we have developed a four-part video
tape, S-Parameter Design Seminar. While the tech-
nology of high frequency circuit design is ever
changing, the concepts upon which this technology
has been built are relatively invariant.
【目 录】: