因元件引脚多,原理图中U1由:U1A,U1B,U1C,U1D组成.由于U1C的source package跟其他三个不同,导致出现下面的信息及无法生成ASC文件.
但ORCAD 的U1的元件属性"source package"又是灰色,没办法更改.望高手指点.
Checking for Invalid References
[DRC0011] Reference is invalid for this part IR: SVP_Module, 14:UPD6111X (414.02, 238.76)
[DRC0026] This reference has already been assigned to a different package type. U1: SVP_Module, 04:SVP-AX-4 (4.40, 1.20)
[DRC0026] This reference has already been assigned to a different package type. U1: SVP_Module, 02:SVP-AX-2\TCON (2.20, 0.50)
[DRC0026] This reference has already been assigned to a different package type. U1: SVP_Module, 01:SVP-AX-1 (4.40, 1.40)
Checking for Duplicate References
* Create Netlist
Netlist Format: padspcb.dll
ERROR [NET0054] Part U1A of type SVP-AX-256 is packaged incorrectly with parts of another type in the U1 package.
ERROR [NET0011] Netlist failed or may be unusable.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-6 21:58:36编辑过] |