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[资料] 美国名校概率论与随机过程课程讲义(通讯DSP专业的必修课)

发表于 2006-2-16 10:26:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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【大 小】:3500K
【简 介】:
【目 录】:

Chapter 1 The Meaning of Probability 3
1-1 Introduction / 1-2 The Definitions / 1-3 Probability
and Induction / 1-4 Causality Versus Randomness
Chapter 2 The Axioms of Probability 15
2-1 Set Theory / 2-2 Probability Space / 2-3 Conditional
Probability / Problems
Chapter 3 Repeated Trials 46
3-1 Combined Experiments / 3-2 Bernoulli
Trials / 3-3 Bernoulli’s Theorem and Games of
Chance / Problems
Chapter 4 The Concept of a Random Variable 72
4-1 Introduction / 4-2 Distribution and Density
Functions / 4-3 Specific Random Variables / 4-4 Conditional
Distributions / 4-5 Asymptotic Approximations for Binomial
Random Variable / Problems
Chapter 5 Functions of One Random Variable 123
5-1 The Random Variable g(x) / 5-2 The Distribution
of g(x) / 5-3 Mean and Variance / 5-4 Moments /
5-5 Characteristic Functions / Problems
Chapter 6 Two Random Variables 169
6-1 Bivariate Distributions / 6-2 One Function of Two Random
Variables / 6-3 Two Functions of Two Random
Variables / 6-4 Joint Moments / 6-5 Joint Characteristic
Functions / 6-6 Conditional Distributions / 6-7 Conditional
Expected Values / Problems
Chapter 7 Sequences of Random Variables 243
7-1 General Concepts / 7-2 Conditional Densities,
Characteristic Functions, and Normality / 7-3 Mean Square
Estimation / 7-4 Stochastic Convergence and Limit
Theorems / 7-5 Random Numbers: Meaning and
Generation / Problems
Chapter 8 Statistics 303
8-1 Introduction / 8-2 Estimation / 8-3 Parameter
Estimation / 8-4 Hypothesis Testing / Problems
Chapter 9 General Concepts 373
9-1 Definitions / 9-2 Systems with Stochastic Inputs /
9-3 The Power Spectrum / 9-4 Discrete-Time Processes /
Appendix 9A Continuity, Differentiation, Integration /
Appendix 9B Shift Operators and Stationary
Processes / Problems
Chapter 10 Random Walks and Other Applications 435
10-1 Random Walks / 10-2 Poisson Points and Shot
Noise / 10-3 Modulation / 10-4 Cyclostationary
Processes / 10-5 Bandlimited Processes and Sampling
Theory / 10-6 Deterministic Signals in Noise / 10-7 Bispectra
and System Identification / Appendix 10A The Poisson Sum
Formula / Appendix 10B The Schwarz Inequality / Problems
Chapter 11 Spectral Representation 499
11-1 Factorization and Innovations / 11-2 Finite-Order Systems
and State Variables / 11-3 Fourier Series and Karhunen–Lo`eve
Expansions / 11-4 Spectral Representation of Random
Processes / Problems
Chapter 12 Spectrum Estimation 523
12-1 Ergodicity / 12-2 Spectrum
Estimation / 12-3 Extrapolation and System
Identification / 12-4 The General Class of Extrapolating Spectra
and Youla’s Parametrization / Appendix 12A Minimum-Phase
Functions / Appendix 12B All-Pass Functions / Problems
Chapter 13 Mean Square Estimation 580
13-1 Introduction / 13-2 Prediction / 13-3 Filtering and
Prediction / 13-4 Kalman Filters / Problems
Chapter 14 Entropy 629
14-1 Introduction / 14-2 Basic Concepts / 14-3 Random
Variables and Stochastic Processes / 14-4 The Maximum
Entropy Method / 14-5 Coding / 14-6 Channel
Capacity / Problems
Chapter 15 Markov Chains 695
15-1 Introduction / 15-2 Higher Transition Probabilities and the
Chapman–Kolmogorov Equation / 15-3 Classification of
States / 15-4 Stationary Distributions and Limiting
Probabilities / 15-5 Transient States and Absorption
Probabilities / 15-6 Branching Processes / Appendix 15A
Mixed Type Population of Constant Size / Appendix 15B
Structure of Periodic Chains / Problems
Chapter 16 Markov Processes and Queueing Theory 773
16-1 Introduction / 16-2 Markov Processes / 16-3 Queueing
Theory / 16-4 Networks of Queues / Problems[br]<p align=right><font color=red>+5 RD币</font></p>


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发表于 2006-2-18 08:41:00 | 显示全部楼层

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<P>这是popoulis的一本书的目录.并不是这个课件的内容,课件并没有这么多内容,至多1/3.我以前就有这个课件,看了你的目录,还以为和我的不一样,比我的内容多呢,谁知道我又白出钱了.哎........ 你写清楚吗?</P>

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