Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems
【文件名】:06615@52RD_nd Interpretation of Signals and Systems.part1.rar【格 式】:rar
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【简 介】:This book is a reaction to a trauma in our discipline. We have all been aware for some time that“electrical engineering” has lost touch with the “electrical.” Electricity provides the impetus, the pressure, the potential, but not the body. How else could microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) become so important in EE? Is this not a mechanical engineering discipline? Or signal processing.Is this not mathematics? Or digital networking. Is this not computer science? How is it that control system are applied equally comfortably to aeronautical systems, structural mechanics, electrical systems, and options pricing?
【目 录】:
1 Signals and Systems
2 Defining Signals and Systems
3 State-Space Models
4 Composing State Machines
5 Linear Systems
6 Frequency Domain
7 Frequency Response
8 Filtering
9 The Four Fourier Transforms
10 Sampling and Reconstruction
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