【Expert C Programming】【C专家编程英文版】【免费】
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【简 介】:
Have you ever noticed that there are plenty of C books with suggestive names like C Traps and
Pitfalls, or The C Puzzle Book, or Obfuscated C and Other Mysteries, but other programming
languages don't have books like that? There's a very good reason for this!
C programming is a craft that takes years to perfect. A reasonably sharp person can learn the basics of
C quite quickly. But it takes much longer to master the nuances of the language and to write enough
programs, and enough different programs, to become an expert. In natural language terms, this is the
difference between being able to order a cup of coffee in Paris, and (on the Metro) being able to tell a
native Parisienne where to get off. This book is an advanced text on the ANSI C programming
language. It is intended for people who are already writing C programs, and who want to quickly pick
up some of the insights and techniques of experts.
Expert programmers build up a tool kit of techniques over the years; a grab-bag of idioms, code
fragments, and deft skills. These are acquired slowly over time, learned from looking over the
shoulders of more experienced colleagues, either directly or while maintaining code written by others.
Other lessons in C are self-taught. Almost every beginning C programmer independently rediscovers
the mistake of writing:
【目 录】:
<第>1章 C:穿越时空的迷雾 1
<第>2章 这不是Bug,而是语言特性 27
<第>3章 分析C语言的声明 55
<第>4章 令人震惊的事实:数组和指针并不相同 81
<第>5章 对链接的思考 91
<第>6章 运动的诗章:运行时数据结构 115
<第>7章 对内存的思考 137
<第>8章 为什么程序员无法分清万圣节和圣诞节 169
<第>9章 再论数组 199
<第>10章 再论指针 219
<第>11章 你懂得C,所以C++不在话下 241
想不到我是第一个下载的。谢谢楼主。 我也下了! 感谢LZ 虽然我已经有了,还是要感谢版主~ TKS!!!!!!!!!!!! 谢啦!! 哈哈,我也下了,楼主好样的啊 多谢!!! C初学下载一下!