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【文件名】:0615@52RD_Wireless Communications.pdf
【简 介】:
【目 录】:1 Overview of Wireless Communications 1               
1.1 History ofWireless Communications
1.2 Wireless Vision
1.3 Technical Issues
1.4 CurrentWireless Systems
1.4.1 Cellular Telephone Systems
1.4.2 Cordless Phones
1.4.3 Wireless LANs
1.4.4 Wide AreaWireless Data Services
1.4.5 Fixed Wireless Access
1.4.6 Paging Systems
1.4.7 Satellite Networks
1.4.8 Bluetooth
1.4.9 OtherWireless Systems and Applications
1.5 TheWireless Spectrum
1.5.1 Methods for Spectrum Allocation
1.5.2 SpectrumAllocations for Existing Systems
1.6 Standards
2 Path Loss and Shadowing 27
2.1 Radio Wave Propagation  
2.2 Transmit and Receive Signal Models
2.3 Free-Space Path Loss
2.4 Ray Tracing
2.4.1 Two-RayModel
2.4.2 Dielectric Canyon (Ten-RayModel)
2.4.3 General Ray Tracing  
2.5 Simplified Path LossModel
2.6 Empirical Path LossModels
2.6.1 Okumura’sModel
2.6.2 HataModel
2.6.3 COST231 Extension to HataModel
2.6.4 Walfisch/BertoniModel
2.6.5 Piecewise Linear (Multi-Slope) Model
2.6.6 Indoor Propagation Models
2.7 Shadow Fading
2.8 Combined Path Loss and Shadowing
2.9 Outage Probability under Path Loss and Shadowing
2.10 Cell Coverage Area
3 Statistical Multipath Channel Models 65
3.1 Time-Varying Channel Impulse Response
3.2 Narrowband fadingmodels
3.2.1 Autocorrelation, Cross Correlation, and Power Spectral Density .
3.2.2 Envelope and Power Distributions
3.2.3 Level Crossing Rate and Average Fade Duration
3.2.4 Finite StateMarkovModels
3.3 Wideband FadingModels
3.3.1 Power Delay Profile
3.3.2 Coherence Bandwidth
3.3.3 Doppler Power Spectrum and Channel Coherence Time
3.3.4 Transforms for Autocorrelation and Scattering Functions
3.4 Discrete-TimeModel
3.5 Space-Time ChannelModels
4 Capacity of Wireless Channels 99
4.1 Capacity in AWGN
4.2 Capacity of Flat-Fading Channels
4.2.1 Channel and SystemModel
4.2.2 Channel Distribution Information (CDI) Known
4.2.3 Channel Side Information at Receiver
4.2.4 Channel Side Information at the Transmitter and Receiver
4.2.5 Capacity with Receiver Diversity
4.2.6 Capacity Comparisons
4.3 Capacity of Frequency-Selective Fading Channels
4.3.1 Time-Invariant Channels
4.3.2 Time-Varying Channels
5 Digital Modulation and Detection 127
5.1 Signal Space Analysis
5.1.1 Signal and SystemModel
5.1.2 Geometric Representation of Signals
5.1.3 Receiver Structure and Sufficient Statistics
5.1.4 Decision Regions and the Maximum Likelihood Decision Criterion
5.1.5 Error Probability and the Union Bound
5.2 PassbandModulation Principles
5.3 Amplitude and PhaseModulation
5.3.1 Pulse AmplitudeModulation (MPAM)
5.3.2 Phase Shift Keying (MPSK)
5.3.3 Quadrature AmplitudeModulation (MQAM)
5.3.4 DifferentialModulation
5.3.5 Constellation Shaping
5.3.6 Quadrature Offset
5.4 FrequencyModulation
5.4.1 Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) and Minimum Shift Keying (MSK)
5.4.2 Continuous-Phase FSK (CPFSK)
5.4.3 Noncoherent Detection of FSK
5.5 Pulse Shaping
5.6 Symbol Synchronization and Carrier Phase Recovery
5.6.1 Receiver Structure with Phase and Timing Recovery
5.6.2 MaximumLikelihood Phase Estimation
5.6.3 Maximum-Likelihood Timing Estimation
6 Performance of Digital Modulation over Wireless Channels 173
6.1 AWGN Channels
6.1.1 Signal-to-Noise Power Ratio and Bit/Symbol Energy
6.1.2 Error Probability for BPSK and QPSK
6.1.3 Error Probability for MPSK
6.1.4 Error Probability for MPAM and MQAM
6.1.5 Error Probability for FSK and CPFSK
6.1.6 Error Probability Approximation for Coherent Modulations  
6.1.7 Error Probability for Differential Modulation
6.2 Alternate Q Function Representation
6.3 Fading
6.3.1 Outage Probability
6.3.2 Average Probability of Error
6.3.3 Moment Generating Function Approach to Average Error Probability
6.3.4 Combined Outage and Average Error Probability
6.4 Doppler Spread
6.5 Intersymbol Interference
7 Diversity 205
7.1 Realization of Independent Fading Paths
7.2 Receiver Diversity
7.2.1 SystemModel
7.2.2 Selection Combining
7.2.3 Threshold Combining
7.2.4 Maximal Ratio Combining
7.2.5 Equal-Gain Combining
7.3 Transmitter Diversity
7.3.1 Channel Known at Transmitter
7.3.2 Channel Unknown at Transmitter - The Alamouti Scheme
7.4 Moment Generating Functions in Diversity Analysis
7.4.1 Diversity Analysis forMRC  
7.4.2 Diversity Analysis for EGC and SC
7.4.3 Diversity Analysis for Noncoherent and Differentially Coherent Modulation
8 Coding for Wireless Channels 229
8.1 Code Design Considerations
8.2 Linear Block Codes
8.2.1 Binary Linear Block Codes
8.2.2 GeneratorMatrix
8.2.3 Parity CheckMatrix and Syndrome Testing
8.2.4 Cyclic Codes
8.2.5 Hard Decision Decoding (HDD)
8.2.6 Probability of Error for HDD in AWGN
8.2.7 Probability of Error for SDD in AWGN
8.2.8 Common Linear Block Codes
8.2.9 Nonbinary Block Codes: the Reed Solomon Code
8.2.10 Block Coding and Interleaving for Fading Channels
8.3 Convolutional Codes
8.3.1 Code Characterization: Trellis Diagrams
8.3.2 MaximumLikelihood Decoding
8.3.3 The Viterbi Algorithm
8.3.4 Distance Properties
8.3.5 State Diagrams and Transfer Functions  
8.3.6 Error Probability for Convolutional Codes
8.3.7 Convolutional Coding and Interleaving for Fading Channels
8.4 Concatenated Codes
8.5 Turbo Codes
8.6 Low Density Parity Check Codes
8.7 CodedModulation
8.7.1 CodedModulation for AWGN Channels
8.7.2 CodedModulation with Interleaving for Fading Channels
8.8 Unequal Error Protection Codes
8.9 Joint Source and Channel Coding
9 Adaptive Modulation and Coding 281
9.1 Adaptive Transmission System
9.2 Adaptive Techniques
9.2.1 Variable-Rate Techniques
9.2.2 Variable-Power Techniques
9.2.3 Variable Error Probability
9.2.4 Variable-Coding Techniques
9.2.5 Hybrid Techniques
9.3 Variable-Rate Variable-PowerMQAM
9.3.1 Error Probability Bounds
9.3.2 Adaptive Rate and Power Schemes
9.3.3 Channel Inversion with Fixed Rate
9.3.4 Discrete Rate Adaptation  
9.3.5 Average Fade Region Duration
9.3.6 Exact versus Approximate Pb
9.3.7 Channel Estimation Error and Delay
9.3.8 Adaptive CodedModulation
9.4 General M-aryModulations
9.4.1 Continuous Rate Adaptation
9.4.2 Discrete Rate Adaptation
9.4.3 Average BER Target
9.5 Adaptive Techniques in Combined Fast and Slow Fading
10 Multiple Antennas and Space-Time Communications 317
10.1 Narrowband MIMO Model
10.2 Parallel Decomposition of the MIMO Channel
10.3 MIMO Channel Capacity
10.3.1 Static Channels  
10.3.2 Fading Channels  
10.4 Diversity/Multiplexing Tradeoffs
10.5 Space-TimeModulation and Coding
10.5.1 ML Detection and Pairwise Error Probability
10.5.2 Rank and Determinant Criterion
10.5.3 Space-Time Trellis and Block Codes
10.5.4 SpatialMultiplexing and BLAST Architectures
10.6 Frequency-Selective MIMO Channels
10.7 Smart Antennas
11 Equalization 343
11.1 Equalizer Types
11.2 Folded Spectrum and ISI-Free Transmission  
11.3 Linear Equalizers
11.3.1 Zero Forcing (ZF) Equalizers
11.3.2 MinimumMean Square Error (MMSE) Equalizer
11.4 MaximumLikelihood Sequence Estimation
11.5 Decision-Feedback Equalization
11.6 Equalizer Training and Tracking
12 Multicarrier Modulation 359
12.1 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
12.2 Discrete Implementation of OFDM(DiscreteMultitone)
12.3 Fading across Subcarriers
12.3.1 Frequency Equalization
12.3.2 Precoding
12.3.3 Adaptive Loading
12.3.4 Coding across Subchannels
13 Spread Spectrum and RAKE Receivers 371
13.1 Spread SpectrumModulation
13.2 Pseudorandom (PN) Sequences (Spreading Codes)
13.3 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
13.4 RAKE receivers
13.5 Spread Spectrum Multiple Access
13.5.1 Spreading Codes for Multiple Access
13.5.2 Broadcast Channels
13.5.3 Multiple Access Channels
13.5.4 Multiuser Detection
13.6 Frequency-Hopping
14 Multiuser Systems 389
14.1 Multiuser Channels: Broadcast and Multiple Access
14.2 Multiple Access
14.2.1 Frequency Division
14.2.2 Time-Division  
14.2.3 Code-Division  
14.2.4 Standards Debate
14.3 Broadcast Channel Capacity Region
14.3.1 The AWGN Broadcast ChannelModel
14.3.2 Capacity Region in AWGN under TD, FD, and CD
14.3.3 Fading Broadcast Channel Capacity
14.4 Multiple Access Channel Capacity Region
14.4.1 The AWGN Multiple Access Channel
14.4.2 Fading Multiaccess Channels
14.5 Random Access
14.6 Scheduling
14.7 Power Control
15 Cellular Systems and Infrastructure-Based Wireless Networks 411
15.1 Cellular System Design
15.2 Frequency Reuse in Cellular Systems
15.2.1 Frequency Reuse in Code-Division Systems
15.2.2 Frequency Reuse in Time and Frequency Division Systems
15.3 Dynamic Resource Allocation in Cellular Systems
15.4 Area Spectral Efficiency
15.5 InterferenceModel
15.5.1 Reuse Distance,Multicell Capacity, and Area Efficiency
15.5.2 Efficiency Calculations
15.6 Power Control Impact on Interference
15.7 InterferenceMitigation
16 Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks 427
16.0.1 Applications
16.0.2 Cross Layer Design
16.1 Link Design Issues
16.1.1 Fundamental Capacity Limits
16.1.2 Coding
16.1.3 Multiple Antennas
16.1.4 Power control
16.1.5 Adaptive Resource Allocation
16.2 Medium Access Control Design Issues
16.3 Network Design Issues
16.3.1 Neighbor Discovery and Network Connectivity
16.4 Routing
16.4.1 Scalability and Distributed Protocols
16.4.2 Network Capacity  
16.5 Application Design Issues
16.5.1 Adaptive QoS
16.5.2 Application Adaptation and Cross Layer Design Revisited 【格 式】:pdf
【大 小】:3161K


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发表于 2006-1-8 22:18:00 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-1-9 08:55:00 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-1-10 14:34:00 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-1-10 14:52:00 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-1-13 21:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
It's good.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-1-14 10:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>lcs9719</I>在2006-1-9 8:55:49的发言:</B>



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发表于 2006-1-21 16:42:00 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-1-25 13:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
good book, any chinese version?

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发表于 2006-2-9 09:59:00 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-4-3 13:26:00 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-4-3 16:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
<P>好书啊 谢谢啦</P>

使用道具 举报

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