软件版本是:6226 06B
/* If using a build from 18.X the buildVersion parameter must be set to TRUE.
If using a build before 18.X the buildVersion parameter must be set to FALSE. */
kal_bool bchs_buildVersion = KAL_TRUE;
/* If using a BlueCore3-ROM chip the blueCore3ROM parameter must be set to TRUE,
else it must be set to FALSE */
kal_bool bchs_blueCore3ROM = KAL_TRUE;/*尝试过false,现象依旧*/
/* Set the UART baud rate
9.6k 0x0027
19.2k 0x004F
38.4k 0x009D
57.6k 0x00EC
115.2k 0x01D8
230.4k 0x03B0
460.8k 0x075F
921.6k 0x0EBF
1382.4k 0x161E */
kal_uint16 bchs_baud = 0x0EBF;
/* Set the Crystal frequency
13Mhz 13000
16Mhz 16000
26Mhz 26000
32Mhz 32000 */
kal_uint16 bchs_mhz = 26000;//16000
/* Set the device Address */
kal_uint16 bchs_btNap = 0x0002;
kal_uint16 bchs_btUap = 0x005b;
kal_uint32 bchs_btLap = 0x123456;
/* Set hostio_map_sco_pcm
If hostio_map_sco_pcm is TRUE then all attempts
to open SCO connections map to PCM ports */
kal_bool bchs_hostio_map_sco_pcm = KAL_TRUE;
/* Set hostio_map_sco_codec If hostio_map_sco_codec
is TRUE, and if hostio_map_sco_pcm is also TRUE,
then all SCO connections are routed through
the built-in audio codec rather than though
the normal PCM interface. */
kal_bool bchs_hostio_map_sco_codec = KAL_FALSE;
/* PIO to enable when built-in codec is
Mimimum value is 0x0000
Maximum value is 0x000F */
kal_uint16 bchs_codec_pio = 0x000B;
/* Setup Crystal frequency trim
Mimimum value is 0x0000
Maximum value is 0x00FF */
kal_uint16 bchs_ana_ftrim = 0x0025;
/* Setup Power Table */
kal_uint16 bchs_pt_setting[BCHS_MAX_PT_RECORD_NUMBER * 2];
/* Minimum CPU clock speed with PCM port running
Acceptable values are:
0 CPU_FAST (full rate)
1 CPU_SLOW_4M (4 MHz)
2 CPU_SLOW_2M (2 MHz)
3 CPU_SLOW_1p024M (1.024 MHz) */
kal_uint16 bchs_pcm_min_cpu_clock = 0x0000;
/* Setup the maximum number of SCO links
Mimimum value is 0x0000
Maximum value is 0x0003 */
kal_uint16 bchs_max_scos = 0x0002;
/* host wake up settings */
kal_uint16 bchs_wakeup_enable = 0x0001; /* enable = 0x0001, disable = 0x0004 */
kal_uint16 bchs_wakeup_sleep_delay = 5000; /* in milliseconds */
kal_uint16 bchs_wakeup_break_length = 150; /* duration of wake up signals in milliseconds */
kal_uint16 bchs_wakeup_pause_length = 0; /* duration between wake up signals in milliseconds */
kal_uint16 bchs_wakeup_signal = 0x0052;
上面这些参数有没有问题?或者程序其他部分需要修改?不知道哪位xd调试过,能够指点一二,非常感谢! |