<P><FONT size=4>The product of gain and bandwidth is constant for fixed amount of effort and this effort is equal to this product . E=G*B, where, E is the effort in terms of work inputted, G is the gain in terms of the individual's level of achievements and B is the bandwidth in terms of the individual's stability. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4><IMG src="http://www.ece.msstate.edu/~am11/gpb2.gif" border=0></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4><IMG src="http://www.ece.msstate.edu/~am11/gbp3.gif" border=0>
1: For a fixed amount of input work (effort), the level of achievements (gain) is inversely proportional to the stability of the individual (bandwidth).
2: Both the level of achievements (gain) and the stability (bandwidth) cannot be simultaneously increased unless the amount of work done (effort) is increased.</FONT></P>
<P align=right><FONT color=red>+5 RD币</FONT></P>
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