楼主 |
发表于 2007-4-16 18:11:22
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>changedai</I>在2007-4-11 16:47:30的发言:</B>
if so, please refer to some comments from some specs:
Rf(r79): This feedback resistor is vital to assure proper biasing of the oscillation. it tends to keep the input to the NAND gate(IC内部电路,简化成一个与非门) biased around supply voltage divided by two. No oscillation will happen without it. Although most of ICs have their own internal Rf, adding an external one may be necessary.
Rf must be sized to allow adequate feedback while not unduly loading the circuit.The microcontroller manufacturer normally suggests a range of acceptable values, usually between 100Kohm and 22Mohm. For low frequency, the crystal impedance is relatively high and the value for Rf must also be high (10Mohm for 32KHz). For higher frequencies, Rf must be lower(100Kohm for 10-20MHz)
Rd(r80): The value of Rd is preliminarily used to control the drive level to the crystal unit below the maximum drive level recommended for that crystal.
If the IC’s amplifier generates higher negative resistance, Rd may be also used to reduce the effect of this negative resistance. The negative resistance margin is the difference between the amplifier’s max negative resistance and Rd. If the negative resistance from the IC is not high, Rd is not recommended.
<P align=right><FONT color=red>+5 RD币</FONT></P></DIV>
如果真的作为feedback来看的话,那么去掉此电阻呢?我实验了一下,去掉后,波形上无明显变化, IC datasheet 上写的是:The series resistor is needed to solve Overcurrents in the crystal. The parallel resistor is
used to enable the switching. In normal cases, this resistor is not used; however, it is
recommended to layout the resistor for future use but do not mount it.
所以串的 R80作用很明显,但是并的那颗似乎不太好理解其原理,可能需要些经验来讲解,大家根据此描述互相发表下看法~
最后,可能很多朋友会想,既然datasheet上是这么说的,那就这么用不可?我想说,既然我们做不了世界级的芯片,那么我们唯一能做的就是从世界级的芯片开始学起,希望我能感染更多热爱电子的朋友,为中国的电子工程师加油~ |