A basic question. :) Do you understand exactly?
【文件名】:061211@52RD_Why 50 Ohms.pdf
【格 式】:pdf
【大 小】:24K
【简 介】:Why do most engineers use 50 pc-board transmission lines (sometimes to the extent of
this value becoming a default for pc-board layout)? Why not 60 or 70?[/COLOR]
【目 录】:
【文件名】:061211@52RD_Why 50 Ohms(1).pdf
【格 式】:pdf
【大 小】:24K
【简 介】:Why do most engineers use 50 pc-board transmission lines (sometimes to the extent of this value becoming a default for pc-board layout)? Why not 60 or 70?
【目 录】: