PCB stack-up is an important factor in determining the EMC performance of a product. A good stack-up can be very effective in reducing radiation from the loops on the PCB (differential-mode emission), as well as the cables attached to the board (common-mode emission). On the other hand a poor stack-up can increase the radiation from both of these mechanisms considerably.
Four factors are important with respect to board stack-up considerations:
1. The number of layers,
2. The number and types of planes (power and/or ground) used,
3. The ordering or sequence of the layers, and
4. The spacing between the layers.
【文件名】:061130@52RD_PCB Stack-Up -- Part 1 - Introduction.doc
【格 式】:doc
【大 小】:29K
【简 介】:
【目 录】:
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