ARM buys development tool specialist KeilBy Colin HollandEmbedded.com(10/28/05, 11:57:00 H EDT)LONDON — ARM has bought a supplier of software development tools formicrocontrollers which operates jointly through two privately-owned companies,Keil Elektronik GmbH in Munich, Germany, and Keil Software, Inc. in Plano, Texas.The company has 23 staff and manufactures and distributes a range of developmenttools including ANSI C compilers, macro assemblers, debuggers, linkers, librarymanagers, firmware and real-time kernels.More than 100,000 microcontroller developers are said to be using the Keil toolsand the companyies have combined gross assets valued at $4.6 million.Warren East, ARM's CEO said his company, "identified the MCU market as acritical growth area for our future business and with this acquisition, we willbe able to accelerate progress in that market by offering a more complete, morecompelling solution. As the MCU applications shift from 8/16-bit to 32-bitsolutions, the combination of the ARM Cortex-M3 processor, which wasspecifically designed for microcontroller applications, our RealViewhigh-performance compiler, and Keil’s complementary MCU tools for ARM, willenable new generations of ARM MCU solutions."Reinhard Keil, CEO of Keil, said, "Keil and ARM have a long-standingrelationship through our membership of the ARM Connected Community. We feel thatwith this acquisition we are in a better position to deliver complete offeringsto the high-growth, 32-bit microcontroller market while continuing to supportour 8051 and C16x compilers within the uVision environment." |