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[资料] 最新MS8413DEMO加上MS8416资料多图 超级性价比

发表于 2017-10-28 14:08:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
MS8416 是一款数字音频接收器,支持高达 192 kHz 的采样率。它可让消费类和专业音频产品交换 S/PDIF 和 AES/EBU 音频数据。8:2 输入多路复用器允许最多八通道数字音频输入数据。输入多路复用器的第二个输出允许 S/PDIF 直通功能,以便提高系统灵活性。它具有极低抖动时钟恢复机制,可从输入音频流生成非常干净的恢复时钟。该器件还支持到三个通用输出引脚的可选信号路由。凭借其 200 ps 的极低抖动性能,MS8416 已成为行业领先的 192 kHz 数字音频接收器。MS8416 是音频/视频接收器、多媒体扬声器、数字调音台、汽车音响系统和机顶盒等消费类和专业应用的理想之选。

MS8413 192kHz Digital Audio Receiver/Converter(D/A)
SSOP28 Product Description
MS8413 is a monolithic CMOS device that receives
and decodes one of four stereo pairs of digital audio data
according to the IEC60958,S/PDIF,EIAJ CP1201,or
AES3 interface standards. MS8413 includes
interpolation, multi-bit D/A conversion and output
analog filtering. The MS8413 contains on-chip digital
de-emphasis, operates from a single +3.3 V or +5 V
power supply. These features are ideal for DVD players
& recorders, digital televisions.
The MS8413 is available in a 28-pin SSOP package.


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