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【简 介】:
【目 录】:
How to Read a Datasheet
Prepared for the WIMS outreach program
5/6/02, D. Grover
In order to use a PIC microcontroller, a flip-flop, a photodetector, or
practically any electronic device, you need to consult a datasheet. This is the
document that the manufacturer provides telling you
• the typical device performance
• minimum and maximum requirements and characteristics
• what you can do to the device without harming it
• suggested uses and hints
Manufacturers want you, the designer, to have a successful experience with
their device. They are trying to be helpful. They don’t always succeed. The
datasheet on the following pages is a relatively good datasheet. It tries to
concisely tell you everything you need to know about the device, a common
555 timer chip (the duct-tape of the electronics hobbyist). Most datasheets
for ICs follow the same general layout. |
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