各位好,有谁使用过ALC5639 Realtek Audio codec ,我现在需要接4个MIC录音,请大神帮忙看看硬件该如何接,谢谢!
7.6.1. 2 Analog ADCs with 4-Channel Record Path
There are two analog ADCs and with up to 4-channel recording path. You can use two analog
microphones pass to analog ADCs and two digital microphones to reach 4-channel recording. Or use two
digital microphone interfaces to reach 4-channel recording. These 4-channel data need to pass to 2-I2S
interface, maybe two channels for one I2S interface or mono channel for one I2S interface.
The full scale input of analog ADC is around 0.55Vrms. In order to save power, the left and right analog
ADC can be powered down separately by setting pow_adc_l (MX-61[2]) and pow_adc_r (MX-61[1]).
And the volume control of the stereo ADC is also separately controlled by ad_gain_l (MX-1C[14:8]) and
ad_gain_r (MX-1C[6:0]). |