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[讨论] android下调试程序两个好用的命令,watchprosp和svc

发表于 2016-7-14 14:00:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1). watchprosp 动态监视android系统属性的变化,有变化就会输出:

255|root@android:/ # watchprops
1362449042 persist.sys.autolanguage = 'on'
1362449044 persist.sys.autolanguage = 'off'

2). svc ,控制power, wifi, modem状态。

Available commands:
help     Show information about the subcommands
power    Control the power manager
data     Control mobile data connectivity
wifi     Control the Wi-Fi manager
# svc power
usage: svc power stayon [true|false|usb|ac]
Set the 'keep awake while plugged in' setting.//设置屏幕的常亮,true保持常亮,false不保持,usb当插入usb时常亮,ac当插入电源时常亮

# svc data
usage: svc data [enable|disable]
Turn mobile data on or off.//设置移动网络的数据是否启用
Set mobile as the preferred data network//设置移动网络的数据优先于WIFI
# svc wifi
usage: svc wifi [enable|disable]
Turn Wi-Fi on or off.//设置WIFI是否启用
Set Wi-Fi as the preferred data network //设置WIFI优先于移动网络的数据,一般应设置成这样,除非你刻意使用移动网络数据传输

root@android:/data # svc power stayon usb
发表于 2016-8-22 14:07:58 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-10-25 08:54:51 | 显示全部楼层

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