【文件名】:06612@52RD_at91m55800 datasheet.rar
【格 式】:rar
【大 小】:1256K
【简 介】:The AT91M55800A is a member of the Atmel AT91 16/32-bit microcontroller family,which is based on the ARM7TDMI processor core. This processor has a high-performance 32-bit RISC architecture with a high-density 16-bit instruction set and very low power consumption. In addition, a large number of internally banked registers result in very fast exception handling, making the device ideal for real-time control applications.The fully programmable External Bus Interface provides a direct connection to off-chip
memory in as fast as one clock cycle for a read or write operation. An eight-level priority vectored interrupt controller in conjunction with the peripheral data controller significantly improve the real-time performance of the device.
【目 录】:无目录
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