【格 式】:rar
【大 小】:1045K
【简 介】:Since its first public release in 1991, Linux has been put to ever wider uses. Initially confined to a loosely tied group of developers and enthusiasts on the Internet, it eventually matured into a solid Unix-like operating system for workstations, servers, and clusters. Its growth and popularity accelerated the work started by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and fueled what would later be known as the open source movement. All the while, it attracted media and business interest, which contributed to establishing Linux's presence as a legitimate and viable choice for an operating system.
【目 录】:
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Basic Concepts
Chapter 3. Hardware Support
Chapter 4. Development Tools
Chapter 5. Kernel Considerations
Chapter 6. Root Filesystem Content
Chapter 7. Storage Device Manipulation
Chapter 8. Root Filesystem Setup
Chapter 9. Setting Up the Bootloader
Chapter 10. Setting Up Networking Services
Chapter 11. Debugging Tools
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