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发表于 2015-12-22 17:46:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
深圳招聘高级模拟设计工程师 岗位职责: 根据模拟IP需求规格和项目架构原理,对分配的IP模块进行电路设计; 提出电路设计的仿真验证需求并对全面性负责; 建立模拟IP前仿真环境,按照仿真验证需求进行前仿真验证,输出仿真验证结果并对真实性负责; 对IC版图工程师在版图设计实现时遇到的问题进行分析指导;按照仿真验证需求对IC版图进行模拟后仿真验证,确保电路实现的正确性;输出模拟IP模块的lib库,包含仿真模型以及timing-lib; 硕士学历,国内211工程学校优先。从事模拟集成电路设计5年以上的实际工作经验; 有实际的流片经验,并成功量产; 做过至少以下ADC/DAC中的一种:SAR-ADC/DAC、pipelined-ADC、sigma-delta ADC、R-2R ADC/DAC; 或者做过以下电路中的至少两种:charge-pump 升压小纹波的电源、band-gap电路、各种高速高精度oscillator、cap或者cap-less LDO;或者做过以下电路中的至少两种:class-A or class-AB or class-B operational amplifiers、switched-capacitor电路、 lynn.zhang@engageway.com

上海,北京,厦门招聘: 薪资范围在40-60万,2到8年工作经验, CPU modeling engineer Responsibilities: 1. The candidate will participate in all modeling work of an exciting CPU project, including performance modeling, ISS modeling, and low-level software. 2. CPU performance modeling and performance analysis. 3. ISS development and possibly ESL integration. 4. Micro-architecture exploration. Qualifications: 1. The ideal candidate should have a MS or higher degree with hands-on CPU design or modeling experiences. 2. Detailed CPU architecture knowledge. ARM experience is a pl 邮箱 lynn.zhang@engageway.com 电话/微信:15906668955

武汉招聘: Sales VPJob 薪资100万以上 1. Bachelor degree or above; 2. 20 years related working experience is required; 3. Extremely dynamic and forward-thinking with strong interpersonal and communication skills; 4. Proficiency in English and Chinese; 1. Ensure healthy growth of customer base with emphasis on achieving the company’s strategy of business growth;2. Lead sales team to execute sales plan to meet company revenue; 4. Create business opportunities and manage revenue & profit generation. 联系电话:15906668955 邮箱:lynn.zhang@engageway.com

武汉招聘 Fab Operation VP 薪资100万左右 Requirements: 4. Extensive experience in Operations Management; 5. Working experience in famous global semiconductor company is preferred. Position Description: 1. Oversee Fab operation, responsible for the manufacturing resources, process and quality; 2. Ensure Fab production meeting all the production targets and delivery requirements; 3. Sustain and maximize the productivity and ensure continuous cost reduction. 4. Make annual production plan and overall budget, and ensure the whole implementation. 电话/微信:15906668955 邮箱:lynn.zhang@engageway.com  

武汉招聘 R&D VP 1. Master degree or above;2. 20 years related working experience is required;3. Proficiency in English4. Extensive experience and track record of successful project management in chip design or process technology development in semiconductor industry. 1. Define technology roadmap based on market analysis and technology strategy;2. Research emerging technologies, and develop and qualify new technologies;3. Manage R&D organization to resolve key technical issues during technology development and ensure a smooth production transition; 电话/微信:15906668955 邮箱:lynn.zhang@engageway.com

武汉招聘 Finance VP 薪资:100万左右 4. Strong knowledge of financing business, familiar with China and international financial market, have fund raising 2. Keep good relationship with Tax departments, government departments, banks and vendors to enable efficient and smooth business operation. 4. Responsible for establishing and maintaining funding relationship, designing and executing the funding plan, organizing the financial resource, to satisfy the needs of business development. 电话/微信 :159066689555 邮箱:lynn.zhang@engageway.com

武汉招聘 Marketing & Business Units VP 薪资 100万左右 1. Collect relevant marketing intelligence to formulate pricing strategy for Sales; 2. Formulate and implement strategies of future products, to provide technical marketing support to sales and product-oriented technology direction to R&D organization. 3. Management of resources, priorities, and strategic alliances; 4. Drive major marketing programs to increase revenue through well-structured marketing plan and revenue target. 电话/微信 :15906668955 邮箱:lynn.zhang@engageway.com

武汉招聘 Quality & Reliability VP 薪资 100万左右 4. Working experience in famous global semiconductor company. 5. Good knowledge about National Standards and International Standards. 6. Expertise in quality control in semiconductor industry. Position Description: 1. Set quality goals and objectives; responsible for overall company quality system maintenance; 2. Assure final products’ quality and reliability meeting customer’s requirements; 3. Provide leadership to implement and continuously improve systems to make customer successful. 电话/微信:15906668955 邮箱;lynn.zhang@engageway.com

目前急招职位:工作地点昆山,可给到sr.director 薪资在80-110万之间,有兴趣朋友可以先加微信:hellentan. Director Quality Management (G9/10) Min 15 years of experience in the EMS or IC industry with minimum 5 years of hands on experience leading quality assurance team. Good English communication and leadership capability required Director Operations (G9/10) Min 15 years of direct IC operations & engineering experience with good English communication and leadership capability Director Reliability & FA (G9/10) Min 15 years of direct EMS or IC product engineering experience with good English communication and leadership capability

北京招聘: 1. 高性能计算软件工程师。3个。熟悉高性能计算的原理、方法,有实际编程经验。 (1)偏底层汇编语言算法,64位CPU优先,X86,ARM的也可以考虑 (2)HPC应用算法,C语言,MPI语言 2. CPU设计工程师:1个。熟悉CPU架构和指令体系,熟悉编译器原理。 电话/微信:15906668955 邮箱:lynn.zhang@engageway.com

北京招聘 高级软件工程师:薪资面议。 高级软件工程师 岗位职责 1. 按照软件需求进行业务需求分析和软件设计; 2. 进行软件详细设计和编码实现,确保安全、质量和性能; 3. 维护和升级现有软件产品,快速定位并修复现有软件缺陷。 4. 移植开源软件,并学习和修改开源软件,满足公司定制需求服务。 岗位要求 1. 熟悉JAVA , C/C++ 编程语言,了解PHYSON。具备多种开发语言基础的优先考虑。 2. 熟练使用J2EE相关技术和框架(struts、spring、hibernate、ibatis中二种或以上); 2. 熟悉Jquery、JSP、javascript、AJAX、WebService、SOAP等开发技术及HTML语言; 3. 熟悉WebSphere/WebLogic/Tomcat应用服务器上的应用开发部署; 4. 熟练掌握主流商业或开源数据库如DB2、Oracle、MySQL中的至少一种; 5. 具有快速学习和解决问题的能力; 6. 熟悉软件技术文档的编写,具备良好的文档编制习惯和代码书写规范; 7. 良好的团队合作精神; 8. 具有大型软件项目开发,大用户量并发访问软件项目开发 经验者优先 电话/微信:15906668955 邮箱:lynn.zhang@engageway.com

上海 昆山招聘 薪资80-100万 Director B/E Process Engineering (G10/11) Min 12 years of IC industry molding and other backend assembly process engineering experience with good English communication & leadership capability Sr. Manager/Director DFM / R&D (G9/10) Min 12 years of direct IC R&D and NPI engineering experience with proven capability in process development & trouble shooting manufacturing problems Sr. Manager/Director Equipment Engineering (G9/10) Min 12 years of direct IC equipment PM experience with good understanding of TPM principle and past success in the implementation 电话/微信 15906668955

封装更新职位,以前linkedin联系过的朋友可以在看看,或者在帮我推荐推荐,感谢大家一直以来的关注和帮助,本人深表感谢, 5)Sr. Manager/Director Quality Management (G9/10) Min 15 years of experience in the EMS or IC industry with minimum 5 years of hands on experience leading quality assurance team. Good English communication and leadership capability required 6)Sr. Manager/Director Operations (G9/10) Min 15 years of direct IC operations & engineering experience with good English communication and leadership capability 电话/微信 15906668955 邮箱:lynn.zhang@engageway.com

上海 昆山招聘 薪资80-100万 Director B/E Process Engineering (G10/11) Min 12 years of IC industry molding and other backend assembly process engineering experience with good English communication & leadership capability Sr. Manager/Director DFM / R&D (G9/10) Min 12 years of direct IC R&D and NPI engineering experience with proven capability in process development & trouble shooting manufacturing problems Sr. Manager/Director Equipment Engineering (G9/10) Min 12 years of direct IC equipment PM experience with good understanding of TPM principle and past success in the implementation 电话/微信 15906668955
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