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[综合资料] 无线通信入门必读书籍understanding cellular radio

发表于 2006-6-5 14:07:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【文件名】:0665@52RD_understanding cellular radio.rar
【格 式】:rar
【大 小】:607K
【简 介】:As I have increasingly moved away from the world of research and into that of management and business, it has become apparent to me that there are many people from a nontechnical background who need to understand cellular systems in more detail in order to be able to perform their
job, be it analyzing financial investments, running call centers, or marketing
cellular services. The problem is that cellular and wireless local loop systems have become increasingly complex over the years and understanding these systems is becoming difficult even for engineers. Indeed, I doubt whether there is anyone in the world who can really claim to understand fully all the parts of the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) in detail—some will be experts in speech coders, others in error correctors, security algorithms, or network protocols.
【目 录】:
1 Introduction
2 Overview of a Cellular System
3 Basic Cellular System Design
4 Keeping Track of Where the Users Are
5 How Calls are Made Between Two Users


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