/* af_header_info_t */
/* header_version */
/* module_name */
/* actuator_name */
/* af_camera_name */
}, /* af_header_info_t */
/* af_tuning_algo_t */
/* Variable name: af_process_type.
* Defines which AF algorithm to use -
* Exhaustive/Slope-predictive/Continuous.
* 3A version:
* Default value: AF_EXHAUSTIVE_SEARCH.
* Data range: based on af_algo_type
/* Variable name: position_near_end.
* Used to control how far lens can move away from mechanical stop. It
* is defined in term of indices, where position_far_end >
* position_near_end.
* 3A version:
* Default value: 0.
* Data range: 0 to (position_far_end - 1).
* Constraints: Less than position_far_end. Total steps for AF lens to
* travel = position_far_end - position_near_end. For
* sanity check, it should be more than 20 steps.
* Effect: Non-zero means we are limiting AF travel range even more than
* the values obtained from AF tuning. For example, if AF lens
* on the final production modules move 8 steps beyond the
* necessary MACRO focused distance, we can reduce travel range
* by setting position_near_end to 8 (or less to account for
* module-to-module variation).
/* Variable name: position_default_in_macro.
* Gives default rest position of lens when focus mode is Macro.
* 3A version:
* Default value: 0.
* Data range: 0 to position_far_end.
257,//160,// resolve the white wall bugs //170,//,113,//210,
/* Variable name: position_boundary.
* Used to control how far lens can move away from mechanical stop in
* NORMAL search mode.
* 3A version:
* Default value: 0.
* Data range: 0 to (position_far_end - 1).
* Constraints: Less than position_far_end.
* Effect: The closer it is to position_far_end, the less steps AF lens is allowed
* to travel in NORMAL search mode.
/* Variable name: position_default_in_normal.
* Gives default rest position of lens when focus mode is Normal/Auto.
* mode.
* 3A version:
* Default value: position_far_end.
* Data range: 0 to position_far_end.
/* Variable name: position_far_end.
* Used to control how far lens can move away from mechanical stop. It is
* defined in term of indices, where position_far_end > position_near_end.
* 3A version:
* Default value: actuator infinity position
* Data range: 1 to infinty
* Constraints:
* Effect: Non-zero means we are limiting AF travel range even more than the
* values obtained from AF tuning.
/* Variable name: position_normal_hyperfocal.
* Gives default position of lens when focus mode is Normal/Auto and
* focus fails.
* 3A version:
* Default value: position_far_end.
* Data range: 0 to position_far_end.
/* Variable name: position_macro_rgn.
* Starting lens position of macro region.
* 3A version:
* Default value: tunable..
* Data range: 0 to position_far_end.
/* Variable name: undershoot_protect.
* Boolean flag to enable/disable the feature
* 3A version:
* Default value: 0 (disable)
* Data range: 0 (enable) or 1 (disable)
* Constraints: the degree of protection from undershoot will be depends
* on undershoot_adjust variable
* Effect: If this feature is enabled, lens will move more in one
* direction over the other direction. This is needed when
* it is determined that AF actuator has severe hysteresis on
* its movement during characterization process. The feature
* compensate hysteresis by moving the lens more
* in either forward or backward direction.
}, /*af_tuning_vfe_t */
} |