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[讨论] wcdma 校准失败,PA Gain calibraion unable to converge after (30) attempts

发表于 2014-7-1 16:20:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
band1  ,ate校准功率失败,
log 如下,请高人帮忙分析下
        MTK GSM Test Sequence Demo
Date : 06-30-2014    Time 10:27:11

ATE Tool Version:6.1328.0
Part Number:  hj-72
Serial Number:  MTK00000001
Revision:  W04.06
Batch:  01
Bar Code:  
2G Tester:AG8960
3G(FDD) Tester:AG8960
3G(TDD) Tester:EXT

2014/06/30 10:27:06.359 CWcdmaApcClass::DutTx()
2014/06/30 10:27:06.484 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_Initiate----
2014/06/30 10:27:06.484 [GPIB] 0: INITiate:WCPower
2014/06/30 10:27:06.687 [GPIB] INITiate:ON?
2014/06/30 10:27:06.687 [GPIB] 0: WCP
2014/06/30 10:27:06.687 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_FetchResult----
2014/06/30 10:27:06.687 [GPIB] Fetch:WCPower:POWer?
2014/06/30 10:27:06.687 [GPIB] 0: -2.04030300E+001
2014/06/30 10:27:06.687 [GPIB] FETCh:WCPower:INTegrity?
2014/06/30 10:27:06.687 [GPIB] 0: +6
2014/06/30 10:27:06.687 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() = -20.403030
2014/06/30 10:27:06.812 CWcdmaApcClass::PowerTrackingTerminated()
2014/06/30 10:27:06.812 PA Gain (1410) exceed the max limit(1410), so set to max
2014/06/30 10:27:06.812 CWcdmaApcClass::SetPaGainByPaOctLevelControlIndex(): Band: 0, PA Control Index: 7, PA Gain: 1410
2014/06/30 10:27:06.812 CWcdmaApcClass::SetOctLevelPaControlRuntimeToTarget(): Band: 0
2014/06/30 10:27:06.828 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPowerPaCal()
2014/06/30 10:27:06.828 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() Band: 0, UARFCN: 9750, PA MODE: 0, TPC Index: 0, Trigger Type: 0, Trigger Delay: 100ms
2014/06/30 10:27:06.828 CWcdmaApcClass::DutTx()
2014/06/30 10:27:06.953 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_Initiate----
2014/06/30 10:27:06.953 [GPIB] 0: INITiate:WCPower
2014/06/30 10:27:07.156 [GPIB] INITiate:ON?
2014/06/30 10:27:07.171 [GPIB] 0: WCP
2014/06/30 10:27:07.171 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_FetchResult----
2014/06/30 10:27:07.171 [GPIB] Fetch:WCPower:POWer?
2014/06/30 10:27:07.171 [GPIB] 0: -2.04855800E+001
2014/06/30 10:27:07.171 [GPIB] FETCh:WCPower:INTegrity?
2014/06/30 10:27:07.171 [GPIB] 0: +6
2014/06/30 10:27:07.171 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() = -20.485580
2014/06/30 10:27:07.296 CWcdmaApcClass::PowerTrackingTerminated()
2014/06/30 10:27:07.296 PA Gain (1410) exceed the max limit(1410), so set to max
2014/06/30 10:27:07.296 CWcdmaApcClass::SetPaGainByPaOctLevelControlIndex(): Band: 0, PA Control Index: 7, PA Gain: 1410
2014/06/30 10:27:07.296 CWcdmaApcClass::SetOctLevelPaControlRuntimeToTarget(): Band: 0
2014/06/30 10:27:07.312 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPowerPaCal()
2014/06/30 10:27:07.312 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() Band: 0, UARFCN: 9750, PA MODE: 0, TPC Index: 0, Trigger Type: 0, Trigger Delay: 100ms
2014/06/30 10:27:07.312 CWcdmaApcClass::DutTx()
2014/06/30 10:27:07.437 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_Initiate----
2014/06/30 10:27:07.437 [GPIB] 0: INITiate:WCPower
2014/06/30 10:27:07.640 [GPIB] INITiate:ON?
2014/06/30 10:27:07.640 [GPIB] 0: WCP
2014/06/30 10:27:07.640 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_FetchResult----
2014/06/30 10:27:07.640 [GPIB] Fetch:WCPower:POWer?
2014/06/30 10:27:07.640 [GPIB] 0: -2.05982100E+001
2014/06/30 10:27:07.640 [GPIB] FETCh:WCPower:INTegrity?
2014/06/30 10:27:07.640 [GPIB] 0: +6
2014/06/30 10:27:07.640 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() = -20.598210
2014/06/30 10:27:07.765 CWcdmaApcClass::PowerTrackingTerminated()
2014/06/30 10:27:07.765 PA Gain (1410) exceed the max limit(1410), so set to max
2014/06/30 10:27:07.765 CWcdmaApcClass::SetPaGainByPaOctLevelControlIndex(): Band: 0, PA Control Index: 7, PA Gain: 1410
2014/06/30 10:27:07.765 CWcdmaApcClass::SetOctLevelPaControlRuntimeToTarget(): Band: 0
2014/06/30 10:27:07.781 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPowerPaCal()
2014/06/30 10:27:07.781 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() Band: 0, UARFCN: 9750, PA MODE: 0, TPC Index: 0, Trigger Type: 0, Trigger Delay: 100ms
2014/06/30 10:27:07.781 CWcdmaApcClass::DutTx()
2014/06/30 10:27:07.906 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_Initiate----
2014/06/30 10:27:07.906 [GPIB] 0: INITiate:WCPower
2014/06/30 10:27:08.109 [GPIB] INITiate:ON?
2014/06/30 10:27:08.109 [GPIB] 0: WCP
2014/06/30 10:27:08.109 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_FetchResult----
2014/06/30 10:27:08.109 [GPIB] Fetch:WCPower:POWer?
2014/06/30 10:27:08.109 [GPIB] 0: -2.03378300E+001
2014/06/30 10:27:08.109 [GPIB] FETCh:WCPower:INTegrity?
2014/06/30 10:27:08.109 [GPIB] 0: +6
2014/06/30 10:27:08.109 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() = -20.337830
2014/06/30 10:27:08.234 CWcdmaApcClass::PowerTrackingTerminated()
2014/06/30 10:27:08.234 PA Gain (1410) exceed the max limit(1410), so set to max
2014/06/30 10:27:08.234 CWcdmaApcClass::SetPaGainByPaOctLevelControlIndex(): Band: 0, PA Control Index: 7, PA Gain: 1410
2014/06/30 10:27:08.234 CWcdmaApcClass::SetOctLevelPaControlRuntimeToTarget(): Band: 0
2014/06/30 10:27:08.250 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPowerPaCal()
2014/06/30 10:27:08.250 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() Band: 0, UARFCN: 9750, PA MODE: 0, TPC Index: 0, Trigger Type: 0, Trigger Delay: 100ms
2014/06/30 10:27:08.250 CWcdmaApcClass::DutTx()
2014/06/30 10:27:08.375 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_Initiate----
2014/06/30 10:27:08.375 [GPIB] 0: INITiate:WCPower
2014/06/30 10:27:08.578 [GPIB] INITiate:ON?
2014/06/30 10:27:08.578 [GPIB] 0: WCP
2014/06/30 10:27:08.578 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_FetchResult----
2014/06/30 10:27:08.578 [GPIB] Fetch:WCPower:POWer?
2014/06/30 10:27:08.578 [GPIB] 0: -2.05663800E+001
2014/06/30 10:27:08.578 [GPIB] FETCh:WCPower:INTegrity?
2014/06/30 10:27:08.578 [GPIB] 0: +6
2014/06/30 10:27:08.578 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() = -20.566380
2014/06/30 10:27:08.703 CWcdmaApcClass::PowerTrackingTerminated()
2014/06/30 10:27:08.703 PA Gain (1410) exceed the max limit(1410), so set to max
2014/06/30 10:27:08.703 CWcdmaApcClass::SetPaGainByPaOctLevelControlIndex(): Band: 0, PA Control Index: 7, PA Gain: 1410
2014/06/30 10:27:08.703 CWcdmaApcClass::SetOctLevelPaControlRuntimeToTarget(): Band: 0
2014/06/30 10:27:08.718 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPowerPaCal()
2014/06/30 10:27:08.718 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() Band: 0, UARFCN: 9750, PA MODE: 0, TPC Index: 0, Trigger Type: 0, Trigger Delay: 100ms
2014/06/30 10:27:08.718 CWcdmaApcClass::DutTx()
2014/06/30 10:27:08.859 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_Initiate----
2014/06/30 10:27:08.859 [GPIB] 0: INITiate:WCPower
2014/06/30 10:27:09.062 [GPIB] INITiate:ON?
2014/06/30 10:27:09.062 [GPIB] 0: WCP
2014/06/30 10:27:09.062 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_FetchResult----
2014/06/30 10:27:09.062 [GPIB] Fetch:WCPower:POWer?
2014/06/30 10:27:09.062 [GPIB] 0: -2.04461000E+001
2014/06/30 10:27:09.062 [GPIB] FETCh:WCPower:INTegrity?
2014/06/30 10:27:09.062 [GPIB] 0: +6
2014/06/30 10:27:09.062 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() = -20.446100
2014/06/30 10:27:09.187 CWcdmaApcClass::PowerTrackingTerminated()
2014/06/30 10:27:09.203 PA Gain (1410) exceed the max limit(1410), so set to max
2014/06/30 10:27:09.203 CWcdmaApcClass::SetPaGainByPaOctLevelControlIndex(): Band: 0, PA Control Index: 7, PA Gain: 1410
2014/06/30 10:27:09.203 CWcdmaApcClass::SetOctLevelPaControlRuntimeToTarget(): Band: 0
2014/06/30 10:27:09.234 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPowerPaCal()
2014/06/30 10:27:09.234 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() Band: 0, UARFCN: 9750, PA MODE: 0, TPC Index: 0, Trigger Type: 0, Trigger Delay: 100ms
2014/06/30 10:27:09.234 CWcdmaApcClass::DutTx()
2014/06/30 10:27:09.359 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_Initiate----
2014/06/30 10:27:09.359 [GPIB] 0: INITiate:WCPower
2014/06/30 10:27:09.562 [GPIB] INITiate:ON?
2014/06/30 10:27:09.562 [GPIB] 0: WCP
2014/06/30 10:27:09.562 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_FetchResult----
2014/06/30 10:27:09.562 [GPIB] Fetch:WCPower:POWer?
2014/06/30 10:27:09.562 [GPIB] 0: -2.05486200E+001
2014/06/30 10:27:09.562 [GPIB] FETCh:WCPower:INTegrity?
2014/06/30 10:27:09.562 [GPIB] 0: +6
2014/06/30 10:27:09.562 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() = -20.548620
2014/06/30 10:27:09.671 CWcdmaApcClass::PowerTrackingTerminated()
2014/06/30 10:27:09.671 PA Gain (1410) exceed the max limit(1410), so set to max
2014/06/30 10:27:09.671 CWcdmaApcClass::SetPaGainByPaOctLevelControlIndex(): Band: 0, PA Control Index: 7, PA Gain: 1410
2014/06/30 10:27:09.671 CWcdmaApcClass::SetOctLevelPaControlRuntimeToTarget(): Band: 0
2014/06/30 10:27:09.687 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPowerPaCal()
2014/06/30 10:27:09.687 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() Band: 0, UARFCN: 9750, PA MODE: 0, TPC Index: 0, Trigger Type: 0, Trigger Delay: 100ms
2014/06/30 10:27:09.687 CWcdmaApcClass::DutTx()
2014/06/30 10:27:09.828 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_Initiate----
2014/06/30 10:27:09.828 [GPIB] 0: INITiate:WCPower
2014/06/30 10:27:10.031 [GPIB] INITiate:ON?
2014/06/30 10:27:10.031 [GPIB] 0: WCP
2014/06/30 10:27:10.031 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_FetchResult----
2014/06/30 10:27:10.031 [GPIB] Fetch:WCPower:POWer?
2014/06/30 10:27:10.031 [GPIB] 0: -2.02960600E+001
2014/06/30 10:27:10.031 [GPIB] FETCh:WCPower:INTegrity?
2014/06/30 10:27:10.031 [GPIB] 0: +6
2014/06/30 10:27:10.031 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() = -20.296060
2014/06/30 10:27:10.156 CWcdmaApcClass::PowerTrackingTerminated()
2014/06/30 10:27:10.156 PA Gain (1410) exceed the max limit(1410), so set to max
2014/06/30 10:27:10.156 CWcdmaApcClass::SetPaGainByPaOctLevelControlIndex(): Band: 0, PA Control Index: 7, PA Gain: 1410
2014/06/30 10:27:10.156 CWcdmaApcClass::SetOctLevelPaControlRuntimeToTarget(): Band: 0
2014/06/30 10:27:10.171 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPowerPaCal()
2014/06/30 10:27:10.171 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() Band: 0, UARFCN: 9750, PA MODE: 0, TPC Index: 0, Trigger Type: 0, Trigger Delay: 100ms
2014/06/30 10:27:10.171 CWcdmaApcClass::DutTx()
2014/06/30 10:27:10.296 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_Initiate----
2014/06/30 10:27:10.296 [GPIB] 0: INITiate:WCPower
2014/06/30 10:27:10.500 [GPIB] INITiate:ON?
2014/06/30 10:27:10.500 [GPIB] 0: WCP
2014/06/30 10:27:10.500 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_FetchResult----
2014/06/30 10:27:10.500 [GPIB] Fetch:WCPower:POWer?
2014/06/30 10:27:10.500 [GPIB] 0: -2.05147600E+001
2014/06/30 10:27:10.500 [GPIB] FETCh:WCPower:INTegrity?
2014/06/30 10:27:10.500 [GPIB] 0: +6
2014/06/30 10:27:10.500 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() = -20.514760
2014/06/30 10:27:10.625 CWcdmaApcClass::PowerTrackingTerminated()
2014/06/30 10:27:10.625 PA Gain (1410) exceed the max limit(1410), so set to max
2014/06/30 10:27:10.625 CWcdmaApcClass::SetPaGainByPaOctLevelControlIndex(): Band: 0, PA Control Index: 7, PA Gain: 1410
2014/06/30 10:27:10.625 CWcdmaApcClass::SetOctLevelPaControlRuntimeToTarget(): Band: 0
2014/06/30 10:27:10.640 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPowerPaCal()
2014/06/30 10:27:10.640 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() Band: 0, UARFCN: 9750, PA MODE: 0, TPC Index: 0, Trigger Type: 0, Trigger Delay: 100ms
2014/06/30 10:27:10.640 CWcdmaApcClass::DutTx()
2014/06/30 10:27:10.765 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_Initiate----
2014/06/30 10:27:10.765 [GPIB] 0: INITiate:WCPower
2014/06/30 10:27:10.968 [GPIB] INITiate:ON?
2014/06/30 10:27:10.968 [GPIB] 0: WCP
2014/06/30 10:27:10.968 [GPIB] ----RCT_WCDMA_APC_FetchResult----
2014/06/30 10:27:10.968 [GPIB] Fetch:WCPower:POWer?
2014/06/30 10:27:10.968 [GPIB] 0: -2.06214600E+001
2014/06/30 10:27:10.968 [GPIB] FETCh:WCPower:INTegrity?
2014/06/30 10:27:10.968 [GPIB] 0: +6
2014/06/30 10:27:10.968 CWcdmaApcClass::SampleTxPower() = -20.621460
2014/06/30 10:27:11.093 CWcdmaApcClass::PowerTrackingTerminated()
2014/06/30 10:27:11.093 PA Gain (1410) exceed the max limit(1410), so set to max
2014/06/30 10:27:11.093 CWcdmaApcClass::SetPaGainByPaOctLevelControlIndex(): Band: 0, PA Control Index: 7, PA Gain: 1410
2014/06/30 10:27:11.093 CWcdmaApcClass::SetOctLevelPaControlRuntimeToTarget(): Band: 0
2014/06/30 10:27:11.125 CWcdmaApcClass::PowerTrackingTerminated()
2014/06/30 10:27:11.125 [*Error*] PA Gain calibraion unable to converge after (30) attempts


Calibration and NSFT total cost time is: 35.43s
发表于 2014-7-21 15:42:32 | 显示全部楼层
楼主 问题是怎么解决的 ??小弟遇到相同问题

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发表于 2014-8-11 20:56:24 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2015-4-15 09:11:41 | 显示全部楼层
楼主 问题是怎么解决的 ??

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