I am measuring a receiver operating at around 1 Ghz. I have a Spectrum Analyzer at the output and a RF Generator at the Input. I decreses the RF level at the Input up to a level that is almost not observable in the Spectrum Analyzer. Surprisingly, the level is below the Noise level predicted as =-174 + 10 log BW . Any idea about what is wrong?
<P>Can you give more details?</P><P>Confusion in receiver BW vs. SA BW? Using noise marker that already compensates BW? Generator level higher than expected due to attenuator leakage?</P>[br]<p align=right><font color=red>+3 RD币</font></p>
<P>Hi,</P><P>First you may need to check your target IQ setpoint power seen as S.A, and maybe the output already be smaller than your target when your input approaching to -174+BWLog.</P><P>I believe you already correct RBW/VBW, and maybe your receiver really good!</P><P>You can try to calculate S/N ratio an thus get your receiver NF number.</P><P>Regards,</P><P>wilson</P>[br]<p align=right><font color=red>+5 RD币</font></p>