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[讨论] 跪求解决RVCT3.1编译52 11B版本的问题

发表于 2012-5-14 00:05:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
TCC version is RVCT3.1 [OK] , Build number is 569 [OK] .
ARMLINK version is RVCT3.1 [OK] , Build number is 569 [OK] .
FROMELF version is RVCT3.1 [OK] , Build number is 569 [OK] .
ARMAR version is RVCT3.1 [OK] , The build number of ARMAR should be at least 102
1! => [ERROR]
C:\Program Files\ARM\ADSv1_2\licenses\license.dat is not existed!
Perl version is 5.008008 or above. => [OK]
Shell is cmd.exe. => [OK]
Excel version is 2000 or above. => [OK]
      MTK build environment is ready!
warning: tools\GLBOptionSwtichRef\NEOTEL52_6432_11B_gprs.mak does NOT exist, ski
p off special dependency check!!!
makefile check is done
make\NEOTEL52_6432_11B_gprs.mak:4664: Extraneous text after `ifeq' directive
make\option.mak:2818: WARNING recommend set FS_CHECKDRIVE_SUPPORT=TRUE when MSDC
Cleaning directories under .\build\NEOTEL52_6432_11B\gprs ...
if exist .\build\NEOTEL52_6432_11B\log\cksysdrv.log                 attrib +r .\build\NEOTEL52_6432_11B\log\cksysdrv.log
if exist .\build\NEOTEL52_6432_11B\log\cksysdrv.log                 attrib -r .\build\NEOTEL52_6432_11B\log\cksysdrv.log
已复制         1 个文件。
已复制         1 个文件。
已复制         1 个文件。
已复制         1 个文件。

start MMI feature check...
get feature list from MMI_features.h...
get feature list from MMI_features_switch.h...
generate feature check file...
validate features...
check def/undef features for MMI_features.h...
generate feature check file...
validate features...
check def/undef features for MMI_features_switch.h...
log generated at .\build\NEOTEL52_6432_11B\log\MMI_features.log

[MMI_features.h, MMI_features_switch.h]
All feature count = 1739
Defined count = 251
Undef count = 1488

Mismatch Config count = 15

MMI Feature Check - Done

start MMI feature check...
get feature list from drv_features.h...
get feature list from drv_features_option.h...
generate feature check file...
validate features...
check def/undef features for drv_features.h...
log generated at .\build\NEOTEL52_6432_11B\log\drv_features_option.log

[drv_features.h, drv_features_option.h]
All feature count = 981
Defined count = 271
Undef count = 710

Mismatch Config count = 0

MMI Feature Check - Done
Generate EMI settings
perl .\tools\emiMCPcheck.pl MT6252 GPRS .\custom\system\NEOTEL52_6432_11B_BB
make[1]: Entering directory `E:/program/MTK/mt52_phone_sp_java_tts_sst'
make\NEOTEL52_6432_11B_gprs.mak:4664: Extraneous text after `ifeq' directive
make\option.mak:2818: WARNING recommend set FS_CHECKDRIVE_SUPPORT=TRUE when MSDC
已复制         1 个文件。
已复制         1 个文件。
已复制         1 个文件。
已复制         1 个文件。

start MMI feature check...
get feature list from MMI_features.h...
get feature list from MMI_features_switch.h...
generate feature check file...
validate features...
check def/undef features for MMI_features.h...
generate feature check file...
validate features...
check def/undef features for MMI_features_switch.h...
log generated at .\build\NEOTEL52_6432_11B\log\MMI_features.log

[MMI_features.h, MMI_features_switch.h]
All feature count = 1739
Defined count = 251
Undef count = 1488

Mismatch Config count = 15

MMI Feature Check - Done

start MMI feature check...
get feature list from drv_features.h...
get feature list from drv_features_option.h...
generate feature check file...
validate features...
check def/undef features for drv_features.h...
log generated at .\build\NEOTEL52_6432_11B\log\drv_features_option.log

[drv_features.h, drv_features_option.h]
All feature count = 981
Defined count = 271
Undef count = 710

Mismatch Config count = 0

MMI Feature Check - Done
2012/05/13 23:18:22
make[2]: Entering directory `E:/program/MTK/mt52_phone_sp_java_tts_sst'
make\NEOTEL52_6432_11B_gprs.mak:4664: Extraneous text after `ifeq' directive
make\option.mak:2818: WARNING recommend set FS_CHECKDRIVE_SUPPORT=TRUE when MSDC
Generate config information
genmoduleinfo is done.
make[2]: Leaving directory `E:/program/MTK/mt52_phone_sp_java_tts_sst'
Generating .lis and .def files are done
2012/05/13 23:18:24
make[1]: Leaving directory `E:/program/MTK/mt52_phone_sp_java_tts_sst'
clean codegen list
'ss_lcs_generate.bat' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序
# redefined in make\NEOTEL52_6432_11B_gprs.mak!
OBIGO_FEATURE redefined in make\NEOTEL52_6432_11B_gprs.mak!
UNIFIED_MESSAGE_FOLDER redefined in make\NEOTEL52_6432_11B_gprs.mak!
BROWSER_SUPPORT redefined in make\NEOTEL52_6432_11B_gprs.mak!
UNIFIED_PUSH_FEATURES redefined in make\NEOTEL52_6432_11B_gprs.mak!
MMS_SUPPORT redefined in make\NEOTEL52_6432_11B_gprs.mak!
MMS_FEATURES redefined in make\NEOTEL52_6432_11B_gprs.mak!
Current file is custom_blconfig.c
Current file is custom_config.c
Current file is custom_EMI.c
Current file is custom_flash.c
Current file is custom_flash_norfdm5.c
Current file is custom_fota.c
Current file is custom_img_config.c
Current file is custom_jump_tbl.c
Current file is custom_scatstruct.c
Current file is custom_sds_dp.c
Current file is custom_SFI.c
Current file is custom_util.c
Current file is fs_config.c
Current file is certman_gadget_certs.c
Current file is CharsetTable.c
Current file is Conversions.c
Current file is customer_email_num.c
Current file is custom_config_account.c
Current file is custom_data_account.c
Current file is custom_dcd.c
Current file is custom_ecc.c
Current file is custom_fdn.c
Current file is custom_fm.c
Current file is custom_gadget_config.c
Current file is custom_imps_config.c
Current file is custom_imps_cust.c
Current file is custom_kuro_config.c
Current file is custom_led_patterns.c
Current file is custom_mbbms.c
Current file is custom_nvram_cat.c
Current file is custom_nvram_config.c
Current file is custom_nvram_restore.c
Current file is custom_nvram_sec.c
Current file is custom_nvram_secro.c
Current file is custom_uc_config.c
Current file is custom_uem.c
Current file is custom_ussd.c
Current file is custom_videocall.c
Current file is custom_voip_config.c
Current file is custom_vrender.c
Current file is custom_wap_config.c
Current file is custom_wap_cust_pack.c
Current file is custom_wlan_ui_config.c
Current file is custpack_certs.c
Current file is custpack_java_certs.c
Current file is cust_ocsp.c
Current file is dm_common_customize.c
Current file is fmr_config_customize.c
Current file is fs_quota.c
Current file is ft_bt_customize.c
Current file is ft_cct_customize.c
Current file is mmi_msg_context.c
Current file is nvram_cust_pack.c
Current file is nvram_data_items.c
Current file is resource_audio.c
Current file is syncml_common_customize.c
Current file is touch_panel_shortcut_custom.c.tmp
Current file is touch_panel_shortcut_custom.h.tmp
Current file is m12193.c
Current file is lcd.c
Current file is adc_channel.c
Current file is alerterdrv.c
Current file is alerter_tone.c
Current file is aux_custom.c
Current file is chr_parameter.c
Current file is custom_drv_init.c
Current file is custom_equipment.c
Current file is custom_hw_default.c
Current file is custom_sim_driver.c
Current file is eint_def.c
Current file is exif_custom.c
Current file is gpio_drv.c
Current file is irda_custom.c
Current file is keypad_def.c
Current file is msdc_custom.c
Current file is MT6302_custom.c
Current file is pmic_custom.c
Current file is pmu_custom.c
Current file is pwmdrv.c
Current file is touch_panel_custom.c
Current file is touch_panel_spi.c
Current file is uart_def.c
Current file is uem_gpio.c
Current file is uem_gpio222.c
Current file is usb_custom.c
Current file is app_features.c
Current file is custom_mmi_cache_config.c
Current file is nvram_user_config.c
Current file is nvram_user_custpack.c
Current file is resource_custpack_jtbl.c
Current file is customer_cm_retry_count.c
Current file is Customer_sim_voltage_support.c
Current file is customer_sms_discard_patent.c
Current file is customer_sms_msg_box_num.c
Current file is customer_sms_prefer_order.c
Current file is customer_sms_tl_retry.c
Current file is customer_supc_config.c
Current file is custom_poc_config.c
Current file is tst_export_config.c
Current file is tst_file_default_Catcher_filter.c
Current file is tst_file_log_write.c
Current file is tst_file_transferrer.c
Current file is tst_file_trans_export.c
Current file is rmmi_ats.c
Current file is rmmi_msgbased_at.c
Current file is rmmi_validator_custom_op01.c
Current file is rmmi_validator_custom_tc01.c
Current file is adc_var.c
Current file is codegen.dws
Current file is codegen.zip
Current file is eint_var.c
Current file is gpio_var.c
Current file is uem_drv.c
Current file is gpio_setting.c
Current file is pwic_cust.c
Current file is common_mmi_cache_config.c
Current file is custom_events_notify.c
Current file is nvram_common_config.c
Current file is nvram_common_custpack.c
Current file is nvram_custpack_table.c
Current file is nvram_default_value.c
Current file is afe.c
Current file is AR1000.c
Current file is audcoeff.c
Current file is i2s_input_drv.c
Current file is MT5192FM.c
Current file is MT5193FM.c
Current file is MT6188.c
Current file is MT6189.c
Current file is NS953_SerialComm.c
Current file is nvram_default_audio.c
Current file is resource_audio_jtbl.c
Current file is TEA5761UK.c
Current file is TEA5767HN.c
Current file is ft_customize.c
Current file is camera_hw.c
Current file is camera_sccb.c
Current file is camera_tuning_oper.c
Current file is camera_tuning_para.c
Current file is custom_rec_config.c
Current file is image_sensor.c
Current file is lens_module.c
Current file is sensor_frame_rate_lut.c
Current file is ext_drv_assert_hdlr_if.c
Current file is btmtk_config.c
已复制         2 个文件。
已复制         2 个文件。
已复制         2 个文件。
process_begin: CreateProcess(E:\program\MTK\mt52_phone_sp_java_tts_sst\tools\Cre
ateEmptyTrcGenFiles.exe, tools\CreateEmptyTrcGenFiles.exe .\tst\database_classbpstrace_db .\tst\database_classb\CompTrcDefs.lst .\tst\database\TrcGen.lst, ...)
make (e=14001): Error 14001
make: *** [xml_parser] Error 14001
发表于 2012-5-23 14:25:03 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-5-22 20:13:12 | 显示全部楼层
【文件名】:12522@52RD_3. RVCT3.1_1021patch_armar.rar
【格 式】:rar
【大 小】:237K
【簡 介】:
【目 錄】:


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-5-22 20:12:15 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-5-15 07:02:33 | 显示全部楼层
1 rvct 1021 patch没有打;
2 rvct license的问题

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-14 09:05:26 | 显示全部楼层
new 开始就报错,不知道为什么?请各位大侠指点!


使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-4 11:24:11 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用dreamanli在2012-5-23 14:25:03的发言:


使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-7-2 14:48:02 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-7-2 11:33:24 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-7-10 15:52:05 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-14 18:09:39 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-9 11:24:52 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-9 11:07:57 | 显示全部楼层
楼主问题解决了吗? 遇到同样问题求解中。。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-9-17 18:33:42 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-16 20:03:20 | 显示全部楼层
make:***[xml_parser]error 3


使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-10-16 14:31:38 | 显示全部楼层
TCC version is RVCT3.1 [OK] , Build number is 569 [OK] .
ARMLINK version is RVCT3.1 [OK] , Build number is 569 [OK] .
FROMELF version is RVCT3.1 [OK] , Build number is 569 [OK] .
ARMAR version is RVCT3.1 [OK] , The build number of ARMAR is 1021 [OK].
C:\\Program Files\\ARM\\ADSv1_2\\licenses\\license.dat is not existed!
Perl version is 5.008008 or above. => [OK]
Shell is cmd.exe. => [OK]
Excel version is 2000 or above. => [OK]
      MTK build environment is ready!

然后编译到 make:***[xml_parser]error 3

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-5-20 16:11:59 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-5-26 17:15:42 | 显示全部楼层
PATH 环境变量里,不能有括号之类的,有括号,编译会出现
make:***[xml_parser]error 3

使用道具 举报

B Color Image Link Quote Code Smilies


Archiver|手机版|小黑屋|52RD我爱研发网 ( 沪ICP备2022007804号-2 )

GMT+8, 2025-2-23 05:18 , Processed in 0.051757 second(s), 18 queries , Gzip On.

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