手机PIFA天线讲解 国半的的天线讲解资料。
This Application Note describes some of the antennas and basics on design that can be used with the Cordless Voice Module. PIFA antennas are explained along with information on their design and matching to the CVM output. Diversity antennas are strongly recommended for the CVM module as they offer far better reception quality and the principle of diversity is described.
【格 式】:pdf
【大 小】:710K
【简 介】:
【目 录】:This Application Note describes some of the antennas and basics on design that can be used with the Cordless Voice Module. PIFA antennas are explained along with information on their design and matching to the CVM output. Diversity antennas are strongly recommended for the CVM module as they offer far better reception quality and the principle of diversity is described.