5 Transmitter Characteristics
5.1 General
5.2 Maximum Output Power
5.3 Frequency Error
5.4 Output Power Dynamics in the Uplink
5.4.1 Open Loop Power Control in the Uplink
5.4.2 Inner Loop Power Control in the Uplink
5.4.3 Minimum Output Power
5.4.4 Out-of-synchronisation handling of output power
5.5 Transmit ON/OFF Power
5.6 Change of TFC
5.7 Power setting in uplink compressed mode
5.8 Occupied Bandwidth (OBW)
5.9 Spectrum emission mask
5.10 Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio (ACLR)
5.11 Spurious Emissions
5.12 Transmit Intermodulation
5.13 Transmit Modulation
6 Receiver Characteristics
6.2 Reference Sensitivity Level
6.3 Maximum Input Level