<P>你可以去查asn。1,re99 TS25 331 asn。1 的结构,每个消息的开始都有IP检查的IE,这里面就有一个IE是MAC,对于MAC的使用和计算在25 331 中也有详细说明 Integrity check info
The Integrity check info contains the RRC message sequence number needed in the calculation of XMAC-I [40] and the calculated MAC-I.
Information Element/Group nameNeedMultiType and referenceSemantics description
Message authentication codeMP bit string(32)MAC-I [40]. The first/leftmost bit of the bit string contains the most significant bit of the MAC-I. The 27 MSB of the IE shall be set to zero and the 5 LSB of the IE shall be set to the value of the IE "RB identity" for the used signalling radio bearer when the encoded RRC message is used as the MESSAGE parameter in the integrity protection algorithm.
RRC Message sequence numberMP Integer (0..15)The local RRC hyper frame number (RRC HFN) is concatenated with the RRC message sequence number to form the input parameter COUNT-I for the integrity protection algorithm.
The IE value shall be set to zero when the encoded RRC message is used as the MESSAGE parameter in the integrity protection algorithm.