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【简 介】:1.1 Intent and scope SystemC is a set of C++ class definitions and a methodology for using these classes. The primary intent of this document is to define the constructs and semantics of SystemC that all compliant implementation must provide. The secondary intent is to provide detailed reference information for the standard SystemC classes and global functions.
This document is not intended as a user's guide or to provide an introduction to SystemC. Readers desiring user-oriented information should consult the Open SystemC Initiative website for such information. For example such users should consult www.systemc.org Products & Solutions Books.
The scope of this document encompasses the entire language definition, but does not cover implementation issues. Neither does this document cover methodology issues related to the use of SystemC.
This document is written under the assumption that the reader is familiar with C++.
【目 录】:
1 Introduction
2 Execution Semantics
3 Time
4 Events
5 sc_main() Function
6 Data types