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[讨论] American Journal of Plant Sciences《美国植物学期刊》导读

发表于 2011-8-1 13:35:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
American Journal of Plant Sciences《美国植物学期刊》导读[/COLOR]
ISSN: 2158-2742 (Print) 2158-2750 (Online).

Table of Contents(Vol.02 No.02, Jun. 2011): (select part)[/COLOR]
An Extended Genetic Linkage Map for Watermelon Based on a Testcross and a BC2F2 Population
Amnon Levi, Patrick Wechter, Laura Massey, Louisa Carter, Donald Hopkins

Difference of Curcumin Content in Curcuma longa L. (Zingiberaceae) Caused by Hybridization with Other Curcuma Species
Hiroshi Hayakawa, Yukio Minaniya, Katsura Ito, Yoshinori Yamamoto, Tatsuya Fukuda

Pollen Morphology of Tribes Gnaphalieae, Helenieae, Plucheeae and Senecioneae (SubfamilyAsteroideae) of Compositae from Egypt
Ahmed Kamal El-Deen Osman

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) Intraspecific Variation and Thermotolerance Classification Using in vitro Seed Germination Assay
Ramdeo Seepaul, Bisoondat Macoon, K. Raja Reddy, Brian Baldwin

Identification of EDTA-Soluble Polysaccharides from Pea Epicotyl Cell Walls and Their Interaction with Xyloglucan
Elias A.-H. Baydoun, Oula C. Mansour, Sandra E. Rizk, Christopher T. Brett

Leaf Traits and Histochemistry of Trichomes of Conocarpus Lancifolius a Combretaceae in Semi-Arid Conditions
Amina Redha, Naemah Al-Mansour, Patrice Suleman, Mohamad Afzal, Redha Al-Hasan

      AJPS[/COLOR]是一本由科研出版社出版的关于植物学领域最新进展的国际期刊。科研出版社(Scientific Research Publishing)作为开放读取(Open Access)的先行者、世界最大的开源期刊之一,目前已有180多种期刊及配套的电子版本,内容涵盖自然科学、农业科学、医药科学、工程与技术科学、社会科学等领域。多个期刊已被CAS,EBSCO,CAB Abstracts,ProQuest ,IndexCopernicus,Library of Congress,Gale, CSP等数据库全文或摘要收录。
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